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H eroes D arklands of the
Major Darklands Entrances Earthnavel
Caves of the Craven
Mobhad Leigh
Deepgate Urgir Well of Sorrows
Janderhoff Kraggodan
Shadow Caverns
Scar Thicket
Candlestone Caverns
Dread Dungeons
To the Pit of Gormuz
Pyramid of Kamaria Drowning Stones
Dongun Hold
Development Leads • Adam Daigle and Thurston Hillman, with Logan Bonner and Stephen Radney-MacFarland Authors • Robert Brookes, Eleanor Ferron, Michelle Jones, Alex Riggs, and Nicholas Wasko Cover Artist • Kiki Moch Rizky Interior Artists • Graey Erb, Kent Hamilton, and Bryan Syme Cartographer • Robert Lazzaretti Editor-in-Chief • F. Wesley Schneider Creative Director • James Jacobs Creative Design Director • Sarah E. Robinson Executive Editor • James L. Sutter Senior Developer • Robert G. McCreary Pathfinder Society Lead Developer • John Compton Developers • Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Mark Moreland, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer Managing Editor • Judy Bauer Senior Editor • Christopher Carey Editors • Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Joe Pasini, and Josh Vogt Lead Designer • Jason Bulmahn Senior Designer • Stephen Radney-MacFarland Designers • Logan Bonner and Mark Seifter Art Director • Sonja Morris Senior Graphic Designers • Emily Crowell and Adam Vick Project Manager • Jessica Price Organized Play Coordinator • Tonya Woldridge Publisher • Erik Mona Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens Chief Operations Officer • Jeffrey Alvarez Chief Financial Officer • John Parrish Director of Sales • Pierce Watters Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele Marketing Director • Jenny Bendel Director of Licensing • Michael Kenway Staff Accountant • Ashley Kaprielian Data Entry Clerk • B. Scott Keim Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter Community & Digital Content Director • Chris Lambertz Webstore Coordinator • Rick Kunz Customer Service Team • Sharaya Copas, Katina Davis, Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez Warehouse Team • Laura Wilkes Carey, Will Chase, Mika Hawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood Website Team • Christopher Anthony, William Ellis, Lissa Guillet, Don Hayes, and Erik Keith
Into the Darklands
Darklands Radiation
Darkened Seas
Darklands Alchemy
Darklands Magic Items
Next Month!
REFERENCE This book refers to several other Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products using the following abbreviations, yet these additional supplements are not required to make use of this book. Readers interested in references to Pathfinder RPG hardcovers can find the complete rules of these books available online for free at paizo.com/prd. Advanced Player’s Guide Advanced Race Guide Bestiary 2 Bestiary 3
Bestiary 4 Bestiary 5 Ultimate Equipment Ultimate Magic
This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 edition of the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Jirelle leaps into battle with a guardian of the drow empire in Sekamina in this action-packed illustration by Kiki Moch Rizky!
Paizo Inc. 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Darklands © 2017, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventures, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Cards, Pathfinder FlipMat, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Map Pack, Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, and Starfinder Adventure Path are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Printed in China.
A seemingly endless network of caves, tunnels, and vaults lies beneath Golarion’s surface. Known as the Darklands, this subterranean realm is accessible from the humblest basement passage and the deepest ocean trench. Adventurers seeking to explore the Darklands must prepare carefully for such journeys, as the cavernous depths of the world are much more perilous than the surface. This book provides rules for characters seeking to explore the Darklands, as well as numerous options that are suitable for characters originating from below the surface world. Alongside these character options is plentiful advice on traversing the Darklands, information on the region’s three layers, overviews of threats like subterranean radiation and Darklands waterways, and sections detailing new alchemical and magic items.
DARKLANDS OVERVIEW With even its upper levels comprising twisting tunnels and caverns the size of surface cities, the Darklands stretches downward into even more alien landscapes. Three distinct layers make up the Darklands: Nar-Voth, Sekamina, and Orv. The order of these layers represents their distance from the surface, with Nar-Voth bordering the land of open skies, while Orv rests at the farthest depths.
NAR-VOTH Most experts agree that a cavern must connect to Sekamina to be considered part of Nar-Voth. Much of this layer is controlled by the duergar—the gray dwarves who spurned their surface cousins’ Quest for Sky. Duergar holdings extend from under the Five Kings Mountains to the nation of Belkzen. Other denizens of Nar-Voth, mainly dark fey and troglodytes, give the duergar’s main highway, the Long Walk, a wide berth.
SEKAMINA The Darklands realm of Sekamina lies roughly 2,000 feet below the surface. A massive drow empire claims territory from just north of the Inner Sea all the way beneath the Crown of the World. South of Sekamina’s immense lake, the ghouls of Nemret Noktoria maintain a growing empire of their own under the northernmost part of Garund. Lake Nirthran separates these two empires, and all manner of aquatic life—including a sizable population of ulat-kini— inhabits Sekamina’s largest body of water.
ORV Created in eons past by the enigmatic Vault Builders in the deepest layer of the Darklands, the Orvian Vaults are each unique ecosystems with purposes long forgotten. A great
Heroes of the Darklands underground ocean connects the Darklands beneath Avistan to those under distant Arcadia. Known as the Sightless Sea, this immense waterway is home to the monstrous aboleths and what passes for a dominion in their alien minds. Meanwhile, the daemon-worshiping urdefhans ply the same waters, battling against the psychic might of the freedomloving munavris.
HAVENS IN THE DARK While inhospitable to most surface species, some pockets of the Darklands house creatures of a more benign nature. Mongrelmen: Several loose settlements of mongrelmen litter the secondary and tertiary tunnels of Nar-Voth. Despite their horrific appearance, mongrelmen readily accept surface dwellers, going so far as to shelter and trade with those they encounter. Munavris: A psychically attuned species, munavris battle against the aboleths, urdefhans, and other malign horrors of the deepest Darklands. Their island sanctuaries, as well as their polished ivory ships, are easily some of the most hospitable locales in the otherwise hostile layer of Orv. Svirfneblin: Far from altruistic, the svirfneblin of Sekamina prioritize their ongoing mission of monitoring dark fey over assisting outsiders. Still, they maintain the only communities accepting of outsiders in the Darklands’ second layer.
LANGUAGES OF THE DEPTHS Below are just a handful of languages Darklands explorers can put to use during their travels. Abyssal and Elven: Despite them having no linguistic similarities, Abyssal and Elven are extremely useful when traversing territory claimed by the drow. Demons often work alongside drow, and many dark elves take up Abyssal as a result. However, drow use their native language for most other dealings. Aklo: Most aberrations and malign fey speak Aklo. The language is common in Sekamina and Orv, though sporadic pockets of these kinds of creatures speak it in Nar-Voth. Dwarven: While duergar use Undercommon as their trade tongue, they try to confound other Darklands species (namely drow) by speaking Dwarven. Knowing this language eases the pains of traveling the highway tunnels of Nar-Voth. Necril: The tongue of ghouls and many other undead, Necril is useful when traveling the ghoul-infested lands beneath Osirion and much of northern Garund. Sadly, speaking with ghouls is far less difficult than convincing them not to feast on you. Orvian: This primordial language is almost useless beyond the Vaults of Orv. Speaking Orvian is perhaps the only way to entreat with the ancient entities that still dwell within the Vaults. Undercommon: A mix of Elven and Orvian, this language has become the standard trade tongue of the Darklands. Most intelligent Darklands species speak Undercommon, making it invaluable for traversing any layer.
DARKLANDS TERMINOLOGY Inhabitants of the Darklands have developed many terms that have entered common usage and are typically carried over verbatim or translated into their various languages. The following is a list of some of the more widespread terms. Cold Walk: A tunnel that ends in a river or flooded cavern. Darklander: An inhabitant native to the Darklands. Dead Walk: A tunnel that ends at a collapse or another dead end that is of no further use (a played-out mine, etc.). Deepbaiting: The practice of luring unsuspecting surface dwellers into danger. Deepmeat: An uplander who has fallen afoul of a Darklands hazard or has been tricked into danger by a darklander. Digger: Any of the various burrowing creatures that dig through solid rock as a part of their locomotion. Down Orvway: Dead, killed, murdered; as in “he’s gone down Orvway.” (Not usually used by the inhabitants of Orv.) Dry Walk: A tunnel that lacks ready access to potable water sources, requiring travelers to carry a water supply. Nar-Voth: The upper realm of the Darklands. Sekamina: The middle realm of the Darklands. Slopper: Any of the various shapeless oozes (such as gray ooze or ochre jelly) that stalk the deep tunnels. Orv: The deepest realm of the Darklands. The Overburn: The surface of Golarion (named for the burning sun that occupies the surface world’s sky). Scrubber: A scavenging creature that cleans carrion and detritus from tunnels and caverns; usually reserved for slime crawlers, gelatinous cubes, and the like. Uplander: Inhabitant of Golarion’s surface.
RULES INDEX Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Darklands includes numerous new rules options for your character. Archetypes Beastkin berserker Blightburner Blightseeker Crystal tender Darklands sailor Darklantern Demon-sworn Fungal pilgrim Psychic marauder Stonesinger Turncoat Vermin tamer Other Rules Options Alchemical items Equipment Feats Magic items Occult skill unlocks Poisons Spells Traits
Class Barbarian Kineticist Alchemist Shaman Ranger Vigilante Witch Druid Psychic Bard Slayer Cavalier
Page 21 25 10 22 27 11 16 16 22 11 17 17 Page 28–29 8, 19–20 5 8, 14, 30–31 27 29 8–9, 14–15, 20–21 7, 14, 19
In the massive subterranean wilderness of the Darklands, the bizarre ecosystem presents dangers beyond those posed by the realm’s inhabitants.
aids to supplement vision in the Darklands, however, include pricey magic items such as the appropriately titled Darklands gogglesUE, goggles of night, and a robe of eyes.
Presented here are a handful of common hazards one might encounter in the Darklands, as well as references to options from other sources that can help your hero overcome them.
Deep chasms and pits are common throughout the Darklands, which can force adventurers to adjust their travel plans. Feather fall can mitigate steep drops, but falling into some of the deepest chasms still risks the spell duration running out before one reaches the bottom. Spells like fly, overland flight, and spider climb ease travel through the often three-dimensional sprawl of Darklands tunnels. A portable bridgeUE or pulley elevator helps overcome gaps and pits, while a riding geckoUE nimbly carries its rider across walls and ceilings. For those making shorter journeys, slippers of spider climbing are useful for overcoming particularly awkward climbs or descents.
DARKNESS Sunlight cannot reach the Darklands, and fuel for light sources is hard to find. Easily acquired light sources such as sunrods, torches, and the spell light are perhaps the most essential items for novice explorers. Feats like Blind-Fight and more powerful spells like darkvision minimize surface dwellers’ light dependence while bypassing lower-level dispelling effects. The most effective
TWISTING TUNNELS With no celestial bodies providing a frame of reference, it’s easy for explorers to become hopelessly lost. The Survival skill (especially when combined with a compassUE) is all but required for subterranean navigation. An area mapUE is preferred when available. Spells like find the path, locate creature, and locate object can likewise help adventurers navigate while underground. Glowing inkUE can be useful for marking tunnels and leaving warnings for other explorers. A cavern compass (see page 30) is a particularly valuable tool for navigating the treacherous paths of Darklands tunnels, and can even warn its user of impending threats.
TOXIC AIR Enclosed Darklands tunnels often trap poisonous gases within, and many native creatures produce spores that are deadly when inhaled. The Endurance feat helps adventurers hold their breath longer in the presence of airborne toxins, while the spell life bubbleAPG, a filter mask (see page 8), or an iridescent spindle ioun stone each provide a way to avoid breathing such gases altogether—although some can still affect explorers even if they don’t need to breathe. Meanwhile, a gust of wind spell can blast away airborne toxins in the vicinity. The deep breath alchemical item (see page 28) provides a bonus on saves against gases and inhaled poisons, and it can be used to overcome the stench effects of creatures like troglodytes. Finally, a paladin’s mercy ability and spells like neutralize poison can end the effects of poisons already affecting a target.
Heroes of the Darklands FEATS Although surface dwellers are ill-suited to life in the Darklands, training can overcome some of their disadvantages, even turning dependence on light into a benefit.
or minerals, you can determine the worth of the full vein to within 1,000 gp, to a maximum of 50,000 gp.
You and your allies have practiced scaling heights together. Prerequisite: Climb 5 ranks. Benefit: When you succeed at a Climb check, allies within 20 feet who also have this feat can climb 5 feet along the same surface as an immediate action. You gain a +5 bonus on Climb checks to catch any falling ally who also has this feat.
You can use your surroundings to accelerate your movement, and your enemy’s presence pushes you further. Prerequisites: Favored enemy class feature, favored terrain class feature. Benefit: While you’re in any of your favored terrain types, you gain a 5-foot bonus to your movement speed. This bonus increases to 10 feet if a creature of the same type as one of your favored enemies is visible and within the same terrain type.
You are able to emulate the echolocation techniques of bats. Prerequisites: Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-FightAPG, Perception 10 ranks. Benefit: By spending a move action to make a sound and listen for the echoes, you gain blindsense 30 feet until the end of your turn. Using this feat requires making audible sounds that impose a –4 penalty on your Stealth checks. Special: This feat cannot be used if you are deafened or unable to make noise, and you cannot detect anything in areas that are magically silenced.
You highlight the path of your projectile with light, allowing your allies to better spot the target. Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single ranged attack at your highest base attack bonus with an illuminated throwing weapon or piece of ammunition, such as a flaming shuriken or an arrow imbued with a magical light effect. If the attack hits its target, attacks against the same target gain a +2 circumstance bonus for 1 round, so long as those attacks originate in dim light or darker areas. The target counts as being in bright light until the projectile is removed or extinguished. Removing the projectile is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
NATURAL PATHSEEKER You use your surroundings to overcome obstacles. Prerequisite: Favored terrain class feature. Benefit: While you’re in any of your favored terrains, you apply half your favored terrain bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim skill checks.
OBSCURING BEACON (COMBAT) You use light to disrupt your foes’ darkness-adapted vision. Benefit: When you’re holding a light source in an area that is otherwise dim or darker, foes within the normal or bright light radius shed by your light source take a –1 penalty on attack rolls against other targets that are also within the radius of your light. Blind creatures aren’t affected by this feat.
SEARING DISTRACTION (COMBAT) You harry your foes with the light and heat of your weapon. Prerequisite: Catch Off-Guard. Benefit: When you make an attack using a light source such as a sunrod or torch as an improvised weapon, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 round. On a critical hit, the target is instead blinded for 1 round. The DC of the effect is 10 + half your character level + your Dexterity modifier. Blind targets are immune to this effect.
SENSE METALS AND MINERALS You have a sixth sense for the valuable treasures of the earth. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks to notice natural deposits of precious metals or minerals, and a +4 bonus on Appraise checks to determine their worth. By spending 5 minutes scrutinizing a discovered vein of metals
DARKLANDS SURVIVAL GEAR The following items are essential to successfully navigating Darklands environments. While powerful characters have magic capable of replacing these items, novice Darklands explorers shouldn’t leave the surface without them. All of these items can be found in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment. Air Bladder: Travelers in the Darklands often encounter pockets of poisonous air or unexpected bodies of water blocking their way. An air bladder offers emergency oxygen to help get through these hazards quickly, and it can act as a makeshift buoy for small items if needed. Compass: With little in the way of natural landmarks for guides, a compass is often the only means to tell one’s direction underground. Adventurers should remember that large deposits of magnetized minerals can throw off the compass’s needle. Everburning Torch: This light source requires no fuel to burn, making it an exceptional tool for journeys in the Darklands. An everburning torch can also burn underwater, and its magical flame won’t set off explosive gases. Spelunking Kit: Many places in the Darklands can be reached only by climbing into pits or scaling near-vertical slopes. Pitons offer extra safety when climbing ropes, while a lantern offers a secondary source of heat and light. Waterproof Bag: Flash floods and underground rapids place critical items such as gunpowder, scrolls, and spell components at risk of being ruined. A waterproof bag keeps delicate equipment safe from harm for a time.
“Most stories, they talk about all the weird things that live down there—deep underground. But the Darklands is a whole lot bigger than all the creatures livin’ in it. See, when you get down there under the ground, first it’s the loss of light that hits ya. Then? Then it’s the cold. Then, right at the end, it’s the loneliness. It’s enough to drive a person to seek out the critters, to not be alone no more.” —Erakados Sain, Andoren miner lost in the Darklands for 16 days
N ar -V oth
Gateway to the Darklands Depth 0–2,000 ft. Common Inhabitants dark folkB5, derros, duergar, morlocks, troglodytes, vegepygmies Common Monsters ascomoidsB3, blindheimsB2, darkmantles, gelatinous cubes, fungal creaturesB4, violet fungus Other Threats cave-ins, chasms, radiation, starvation, toxic gas
Nar-Voth is a gateway realm of caverns and tunnels connecting the surface world of Golarion to the lightless depths of the deeper Darklands. Any subterranean region located within 2,000 feet of the surface is considered to be part of Nar-Voth. The area is a border territory, as mysterious to the denizens of Orv as that cavernous realm is to the surface. Nar-Voth’s interstitial nature invites would-be explorers in, but rarely let’s them out again.
REACHING NAR-VOTH Reaching Nar-Voth is as simple as entering a surface cavern, or as complicated as delving into a hidden crevasse at the base of a lake. It represents the boundary between the deeper layer of Sekamina and the surface world, and accessing it is as easy as traversing its border terrain. From the surface, Nar-Voth presents traditional spelunking hazards such as cave-ins, darkness, falling, dehydration, and starvation (the latter two typically resulting from becoming lost underground). Other hazards include toxic gas pockets and radiation dangers. From lower Darklands realms like Sekamina, accessing Nar-Voth often requires rigorous climbing or other means of ascent, such as through caves and natural passages not conducive to travel. Some underground roads and passageways date back to the ancient dwarven kingdoms during the Quest for Sky, when the dwarves began their journey to the surface of Golarion, and offer reliable access to the surface—but these locations can be home to hostile drow, duergar, vegepygmies, or worse.
GREATEST THREATS IN NAR-VOTH Beyond the hazards present in any spelunking venture— darkness, falling, and the like—the Darklands offers supernatural and otherworldly hazards ranging from dangerous native flora like green slime and russet mold to indigenous fauna like blindheims and darkmantles. Ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (nature), and Survival are essential for navigating many of these subterranean hazards. Additionally, skills like Perception
help a character notice hazards and creatures before it’s too late, while advanced use of the Disguise skill can allow a creature to pass as a Darklander. Most of the naturally occurring challenges of the Darklands are covered in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, and include cave-ins (page 415), falling damage (page 443), suffocation (page 445), starvation (page 444), and vision and light (page 172). Pockets of toxic gas range might present suffocation hazards or be flammable gas that could erupt into a massive conflagration at a moment’s notice. These dangerous gases are collectively known as “bad air” and are fully detailed on page 244 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide. Radiation unique to the Darklands is more fully detailed in this book on page 24. Equipment like filter masks and blightburn readers (see page 8) helps protect Darklands adventurers from these invisible dangers. Sentient creatures of the Darklands are perhaps the most infamous of Nar-Voth’s many dangers. Duergar slavers roam the tunnels of Nar-Voth, seeking to imprison wayward explorers lost in the labyrinthine depths. Twisted derro skulk in search of the lost and desperate, capturing adventurers for unfathomably terrible experiments. Entire clans of morlocks pillage and raid across the breadth of NarVoth, often dedicated to foul deities like Lamashtu, Rovagug, or lesser-known demon lords. Drow are also counted among the various Darklands legends; however, the corrupt elves are rarely encountered so close to the surface as Nar-Voth.
ADVENTURING IN NAR-VOTH Nar-Voth stretches vertically for 2,000 feet, consisting of twisting tunnels, expansive caverns, and subterranean ruins. Most of it is solid rock, riddled with more passages and secrets than any explorer could discover in a lifetime. The most famous regions of Nar-Voth lie below the surface territories of the Five Kings Mountains and their former holdings, yet much of Nar-Voth is uninhabited and desolate. Vast stretches of this subterranean landscape are devoid of landmarks, sentient life, or anything beyond confusingly similar caverns and tunnels. Becoming lost in Nar-Voth, especially without means to push back the darkness or see through it, leads to isolation, and in many cases, madness. Any adventurer delving into Nar-Voth or the deeper Darklands would be wise to pack for the trip. Sunrods are a lightweight and portable tool for staving off the darkness, and less likely to ignite flammable gas pockets than conventional torches or lanterns. Climbing gear is essential, for little of Nar-Voth allows for ready passage. Due to
Heroes of the Darklands varied tectonic activity, Nar-Voth ranges from extremely hot to bone-chillingly cold, and that isn’t considering the possibility of planar disturbances that could allow other planes’ climates to intrude, such as in the Darklands below the Worldwound. Food and potable water is also in short supply in Nar-Voth, and finding anything that is safe to eat is a risky venture in itself. Nar-Voth natives often imperil expeditions. Duergar can be reasoned with, but creatures like blindheims, darkmantles, derros, and morlocks are less likely to negotiate. Spells like shadowfade (see page 9) allow groups exploring the Darklands to slip by creatures that rely on darkvision to see, making passage through populated areas less contentious. An aspect of Nar-Voth that catches most explorers unawares is the history the region has in relation to Earthfall. That cataclysmic event changed Nar-Voth as much as it did the surface world, and many surface ruins collapsed into Nar-Voth in the destruction. Ancient Thassilonian cities, abandoned dwarven fortresses from the Quest for Sky, and other such sites litter the trackless regions of Nar-Voth between well-known caverns and subterranean roads.
NAR-VOTH TR AITS The following traits are suitable for surface explorers traversing Nar-Voth. Ancestral Grounds (Race; Dwarf ): You recall the dangers the dwarves faced during the Quest for Sky. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks and a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) checks pertaining to the Quest for Sky. Select one of these skills to be a class skill for you. Cavern Survivor (Regional; NarVoth): You’ve regularly traversed Nar-Voth and know how to subsist in that lightless realm better than most surface dwellers. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to survive in a subterranean wilderness, and Survival is a class skill for you. Darklands Trader (Social): You’re familiar with NarVoth’s trade routes and negotiation involving the denizens of the Darklands. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks relating to subterranean trade and on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks relating to subterranean creatures. Select one of these skills to be a class skill for you. Deep Faith (Faith): Your deity was born of the depths, and you’re a child of such realms.
Whenever you cast a spell granted by the earth domain (or associated subdomains) while in the Darklands, that spell functions at 1 caster level higher than your actual caster level. Keeper of the Secret Shame (Race; Elf ): You are a member of the Lantern Bearers or an agent of the Winter Council, tasked with ensuring that knowledge of the elves’ secret shame—the drow—never reaches the surface. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to drow and drow settlements. Light in the Darkness (Faith): You’re destined to bring light to the darkness and expunge the faithless from the deep. Whenever you cast a spell granted by the sun domain (or associated subdomains) while in the Darklands, the spell functions at 1 caster level higher than your actual caster level. Radiant Healing (Magic): You’ve learned how to infuse your healing magic with lingering traces of light. Whenever you cast a spell from the conjuration (healing) school that has a casting time of a standard action, you can extend its casting time to a full-round action to imbue the target with light, as per light, with a duration of 1 round per caster level. Scourge of the Darkness (Faith): Stories of the depredations present in the Darklands drive you to explore its shadowy depths and purge the corruption from within. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear while in the Darklands and a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks against creatures native to the Darklands.
NAR-VOTH TOOLBOX Explorers daring the depths of Nar-Voth should be prepared to face the alien environments, monstrous inhabitants, and ancient horrors of that realm—not to mention the darkness and isolation in an endless array of tunnels. Below are a variety of options, ranging from the mundane to the magical.
EQUIPMENT The following tools were crafted to help mitigate some of the disadvantages of adventuring underground and protect against native threats.
A blightburn reader is a small wooden or metal frame, roughly 2 inches wide and 4 inches long, containing a specially prepared alchemical paper pressed between two thin panes of glass. Whenever a character wearing a blightburn reader enters an area with a radiation hazard (such as those presented on page 24), the paper within changes from white to black over the course of 1 minute. Once the paper turns black, it is destroyed and must be replaced at a cost of 15 gp before the blightburn reader can be used again. PRICE 5 GP
creature directly struck radiates light as a torch for 1 round after being hit. Alternatively, a jar of bottled sunlight can be poured over a 10foot area to produce light like a lantern for 10 minutes. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, daylight
PRICE 2,500 GP CL 5th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint conjuration A rockfall cloak is fashioned from rigid fabric with a stony texture, and it grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks in underground terrain. The wearer can command the cloak to encapsulate her as a free action. The cloak then hardens into a spherical stone shell resembling a smooth boulder that occupies an entire 5-foot square and weighs 200 pounds. The shell has a hardness of 10 and 25 hit points. Any damage from falling or from falling rocks is dealt to the stone shell. If it is destroyed, any remaining damage is transferred to its wearer. A rockfall cloak remains in this stone shell form for 1 hour (or earlier, if the wearer chooses) before crumbling to dust. Once it’s used in its stone shell form, a rockfall cloak is destroyed. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, stone shieldARG
COST 1,250 GP
WEIGHT 4 lbs.
A filter mask is a rubber-sealed leather mask with a filtering respiration apparatus. Ordinary filter masks have cloth filters laced with floral perfumes, while masterwork filter masks use alchemical charcoal filters. When worn, a filter mask provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against inhaled poisons or diseases and other inhaled particles such as smoke or spores. PRICE 5 GP
WEIGHT 1 lb.
A miner’s bird is a Diminutive, semi-trained animal (typically a canary or other delicate songbird) in a portable cage. The enclosure is most often made of wood or metal. The bird within has 1 hit point, a Constitution score of 3, and a Fortitude save bonus of –2 (otherwise, its statistics are identical to a thrushUM). When the bird fails its first saving throw against a poison-based effect, it emits a loud chirping, audible within 60 feet.
PRICE 3,500 GP CL 9th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate transmutation The wearer of a pair of stonemeld boots gains a +4 bonus to CMD against bull rush, dragAPG, repositionAPG, and trip combat maneuvers. Additionally, once per day as a swift action, the boots can be activated to grant the wearer a climb speed of 10 feet on any natural stone surface (but not manufactured stone surfaces like brick walls) for 30 minutes. A creature using stonemeld boots to climb in this fashion leaves obvious deformities in the rock surface. Anyone attempting to track a wearer of stonemeld boots moving in this fashion treats the base DC as though the tracks were left in soft earth, and takes no penalties for time elapsed since the tracks were made. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, transmute rock to mud
COST 1,750 GP
MAGIC ITEMS The following magic items aid adventurers in avoiding NarVoth’s more mundane dangers.
BOTTLED SUNLIGHT SLOT none AURA faint evocation
PRICE 50 GP CL 5th
A single jar of bottled sunlight sheds light as a candle. Bottled sunlight can be thrown as a splash weapon, dealing 3d6 points of damage to a target vulnerable to sunlight. Creatures adjacent to the target that are vulnerable to sunlight take 1 point of splash damage. Regardless of its vulnerability to sunlight, a
SPELLS Sooner or later, even the cleverest Darklands adventurer will face obstacles and perils that cannot be overcome by mundane means. It is foolhardy in the extreme to venture into Nar-Voth without a talented spellcaster, but many of the following spells that prove most effective in meeting Nar-Voth’s challenges are reasonably low level. Wise parties develop creative ways to use both classic spells and these specialized Darklands innovations; friendly denizens of the Darklands often teach them to allies from the surface so they don’t get themselves killed as soon as they step out of their hosts’ front doors.
Heroes of the Darklands GRASP School divination; Level bard 0, cleric 0, druid 0, magus 0, psychic 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0 Casting Time 1 immediate action Components V Range personal Duration instantaneous Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no You can cast this spell as an immediate action when you fail a Climb check and would fall. You can immediately attempt another Climb check as a free action at a –2 penalty. Each successive use of this spell in a particular situation increases the penalty by 2. If successful, you don’t fall, but you don’t progress at climbing. MAGE’S CRAWL SPACE School transmutation; Level bard 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/ wizard 2, witch 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (a piece of clay) Range personal Effect 5-foot sphere centered on yourself Duration 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no When you cast this spell, you merge with an adjacent natural stone surface, forming a 5-foot pocket within. If the stone surface does not have enough volume to safely contain a 5-foot sphere of empty space, the spell fails. When created, there is sufficient air within the pocket for up to one Medium creature to survive for the spell’s duration, including one additional Tiny or smaller creature, such as a familiar. At the end of the spell’s duration, you are immediately expelled into the nearest available open space adjacent to the surface you merged with.
force; you can make a free bull rush combat maneuver against any creature you strike with a rock whip, using your caster level in place of your base attack bonus and your primary casting ability score modifier (Charisma for sorcerers, Intelligence for wizards, and so on) in place of your Strength modifier. SHADOWFADE School illusion (shadow); Level bard 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, mesmerist 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (a blindfold) Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 minutes/level (D) Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) In areas of darkness, the target of shadowfade is invisible to creatures using darkvision to see. In areas of dim light, the target gains concealment against creatures using darkvision. This spell has no effect in areas of normal light or brighter, and is automatically dispelled if the target enters an area of bright light or takes a hostile action. SKYSHROUD School divination (scrying); Level bard 3, cleric 3, skald 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
ROCK WHIP School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 2, druid 2, magus 2, ranger 1, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range 0 ft. Effect whip of earth and stone Duration 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no A 15-foot-long lash of crumbling crystal and earth emerges from the palm of your hand. This weapon is treated as a nonmagical whip that deals 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage. You can wield this weapon as a whip as if you were proficient with it, and it isn’t subject to the disarm or sunder combat maneuver. The whip passes through natural unworked stone effortlessly, allowing you to ignore cover between you and your target from such sources. Armor and natural armor have no effect on the damage dealt by a rock whip (unlike a normal whip), but the whip deals no damage to outsiders with the earth subtype. Attacks with a rock whip strike with resounding
Casting Time 1 minute Components V, S, F (a jar of earth from the surface) Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level); see text Effect hemisphere that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S) Duration 1 hour/level Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no The caster designates the area of a hemisphere within the spell’s range. If a solid object would block the creation of the hemisphere (such as a ceiling or wall), the spell instead conforms to the geometry of the location up to the maximum area of effect for the spell. The hemisphere displays an image of the sky as it appears directly above where the spell was cast. This effect bypasses natural impediments, such as rock or stone, that would obstruct the targeted location from the sky. The image of the sky created by this spell counts as the actual sky for purposes of effects that require view of the sky, sun, stars, or other features (including for spell preparation or
deific obediences). It does not enable spells or effects that draw effects from the sky (such as call lightning). Light created by this effect functions normally and harms creatures vulnerable to bright light or direct sunlight.
NAR-VOTH ARCHETYPES Many of those who live in or explore Nar-Voth have developed unique skills or use specialized techniques to gain an advantage over the dangers and hazards of this layer of the Darklands. Below are a number of archetypes that can help adventurers triumph over Nar-Voth’s many deadly challenges, and can give greater insight into the natures and practices of residents of this subterranean realm.
BLIGHTSEEKER (ALCHEMIST ARCHETYPE) Blightseekers are alchemists devoted to the study of fungi native to the Darklands. While diverse fungi exist on the surface world, the unique combination of environmental conditions found in the Darklands fosters the growth of unpredictable and otherworldly fungal growths. Spore Bomb (Su): At 1st level, a blightseeker creates a special kind of alchemist bomb that delivers a payload of alchemically engineered fungal spores. These bombs infest their target with a virulent blight (see below). The blightseeker’s bombs deal 1d4 points of damage (instead of 1d6), plus 1d4 points of damage for every 2 alchemist levels beyond 1st. A creature that takes a direct hit from a spore bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the blightseeker’s level + his Intelligence modifier) or suffer the associated blight effects. Creatures that take splash damage from the bomb are not affected by the blight. This ability alters bombs. Blights (Ex): At 1st level, a blightseeker gains the blights from the list below. When he prepares bombs at the start of the day, a blightseeker chooses which blight to apply to each bomb. If a blight has no duration listed, it lasts a number of rounds equal to the blightseeker’s Intelligence modifier. At 1st level, a blightseeker gains the following blights. Impairing: The target’s base land speed decreases by 10 feet, to a minimum of 10 feet. This effect doesn’t stack with itself. Minor Sickening: The target is sickened, but it takes only a –1 penalty on affected rolls. At 6th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those that can be applied to his bombs. Fatiguing: The target is fatigued. Fear-Inducing: The target is shaken. Sickening: The target is sickened. At 12th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those blights that can be applied to his bombs. Confusing: The target is confused. Exhausting: The target is exhausted. Nauseating: The target is nauseated for 1 round. Staggering: The target becomes staggered for 1 round.
Heroes of the Darklands At 18th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those that can be selected. Blinding: The target is blinded. Deafening: The target is deafened. Stunning: The target is stunned for 1 round. This ability replaces the discoveries gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels. Blight Engineering (Ex): At 14th level, a blightseeker can apply two blights that he knows to each spore bomb he creates. This ability replaces persistent mutagen.
DARKLANTERN (VIGILANTE ARCHETYPE) The Lantern Bearers are an elite group of elves dedicated to the containment and eradication of the drow. However, some Lantern Bearers are tasked with the unthinkable assignment of infiltrating drow society so as to relay information to the Winter Council—a secret cabal tasked with keeping the existence of drow a secret—about activities in the Darklands and drow cities. In order to accomplish this task, select members of the Lantern Bearers undergo a horrific ritual allowing them to temporarily experience the dark transformation into a drow, but at the cost of their sanity. Elven Ancestry: A darklantern must be a creature with the elf subtype. Dark Identity (Su): At 1st level, a darklantern can transform into her vigilante identity as a full-round action. When a darklantern switches to her vigilante identity, she undergoes a horrifying transformation from an elf into a drow. After the transformation is complete, the darklantern takes on the appearance of a drow (but otherwise retains her normal facial features and voice) and gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Charisma, darkvision with a range of up to 60 feet, and the light blindness universal monster ability. While in her vigilante identity, the darklantern counts as a drow for the purpose of any ability, spell, or magic item targeting drow. A darklantern’s vigilante identity must be chaotic evil, but her social identity can be more than one step removed from this alignment. Transforming back into the darklantern’s social identity requires a move action. However, a darklantern must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + the number of hours she has been in her vigilante identity) in order to successfully transform back into her social identity; otherwise, the move action is wasted and the action cannot be attempted for 1 minute. Each time a darklantern fails this check, she takes 1 point of Wisdom damage and the DC for the save decreases by 2. This ability alters dual identity. Drow Magic (Sp): At 1st level, when in her vigilante identity, a darklantern can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using her vigilante level as her caster level. This replaces the social talent that the darklantern gains at 1st level.
Drow Paragon (Su): At 4th level, the darklantern gains Spell Resistance equal to 6 + her vigilante level, and the range of her darkvision increases to 120 feet while in her vigilante identity. This replaces the vigilante talent gained at 4th level.
STONESINGER (BARD ARCHETYPE) Once practiced by the dwarves in their Quest for Sky, the traditions of the stonesinger bards changed when the dwarves arrived on the surface. The tradition still hearkens back to its subterranean origins, however, and is practiced as a form of meditation or worship by many dwarves. Stonesingers are rare bards capable of vocalizing their bardic performances through subsonic harmonies, allowing their performances to carry as subtle vibrations through stone, rather than through the air. They command considerable power underground. Earth Magic: A stonesinger is treated as having the Eschew Materials feat so long as he is touching natural or manufactured stone. Additionally, a stonesinger adds the following spells to the bard spell list at the listed level: 1—magic stone, 2—stone shieldARG, 3—stone shape, 4—earth glideARG, 5—stoneskin, 6—stone tell. This ability alters spellcasting. Stone Song (Su): A stonesinger’s bardic performance is a subsonic vibration that resonates from his body and travels through solid rock. This vibration is subtle enough to not be heard, though creatures with the tremorsense universal monster ability can distinctly hear the stone song out to a range of 100 feet per bard level. All allies within 30 feet of the stonesinger benefit from stone song, perceiving the effect due to proximity. An allied creature with tremorsense benefits from stone song as long as it’s within the extended range, provided that there is an unobstructed path of solid earth between the creature and stonesinger. Natural and manufactured stone does not inhibit stone song’s range. A stonesinger must use Perform (song) or Perform (oratory) for this bardic performance. This ability modifies bardic performance. Tremor (Su): As part of another bardic performance, a stonesinger can cause the ground within 30 feet to tremble, throwing enemies off balance and causing them to take a –1 circumstance penalty to AC as long as the stonesinger continues performing. This penalty increases by 1 at 5th level and every 6 levels thereafter. Creatures levitating or flying above the ground are unaffected by this ability. This replaces countersong. Quake (Su): At 8th level, a stonesinger causes the ground to shudder and buckle with his song. All enemies within 30 feet of the stonesinger must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 10 + half the stonesinger’s level + his Charisma bonus) when he begins a bardic performance or be knocked prone. Prone and flying creatures, as well as creatures with the earth glide universal monster ability, are unaffected by this performance. This replaces dirge of doom.
“I’ve run the gamut of Sekamina’s tunnels and even made a half-dozen journeys across Lake Nirthran. My kin guard the entrances to most tunnels leading down to the deeper layer, but some paths aren’t worth the steel or slaves to protect. Still, business is good in Sekamina; the drow take slaves for their demonic rituals, the ghouls take slaves for food, and the ulat-kini take slaves for... well, you get the idea.” —Khrundahr Sett, duergar slaver
Heart of the Darklands Depth 2,000–8,000 feet below the surface Common Inhabitants drow, ghouls, morlocks, serpentfolkB2, skum (ulat-kini), svirfneblin Common Monsters giant arachnids, lizards, and worms; molds, oozes, and slimes; rust monsters; seugathiB2; succubi, vrocks, and other minor demons Other Threats cave-ins, extreme heat, flooding, fungi, radiation, toxic gas
Sekamina is the most expansive layer of the Darklands. Its massive caverns, underground lakes, and networks of tunnels stretch for miles, spanning entire continents. Unlike Nar-Voth, Sekamina is heavily populated and well traveled by the numerous civilizations that dwell there. Sekamina’s inhabitants are willing to deal and trade with surface dwellers when it suits them, but they can be capricious. Drow, ghouls, and serpentfolk can sometimes be convinced to ally with surface dwellers, but these alliances are fleeting and last only as long as they are convenient. Maintaining such an arrangement requires cunning, wealth, and political savvy—and even then, a business partner may decide a colleague makes a better slave (or dinner) without warning. The drow are particularly masterful at stringing along “allies” with shows of hospitality, but always with nefarious plans in place. Fates worse than death await many of the victims of drow schemes, for the dark elves practice the hideous art of fleshwarping, molding their subjects into monstrosities through an excruciating magical process. Morlocks and skum are less willing to negotiate, but can be intimidated into service under the right conditions. Natural hazards are common throughout this layer. Tremors and burrowing monsters alike cause cave-ins and collapsed tunnels. When these cave-ins occur near underground water sources, flash floods can sweep away entire parties before anyone can react. Geothermal vents create pockets of unbearable heat. Many fungi can cause illness or hallucinations, either when ingested or when their spores are inhaled, and some intelligent breeds of fungus can even control minds. Various forms of radiation are also common in Sekamina. Surface dwellers are often unprepared for this danger, as it is one of the most mysterious and least documented features of the region. Lazurite, a radioactive mineral known to have powerful necromantic properties, is found almost exclusively in Sekamina (see page 24).
REACHING SEKAMINA Finding a traversable route from Nar-Voth to Sekamina can be difficult unless one has the right contacts or information. There are several well-known passages between the two layers, but the most-traveled routes are typically controlled by the duergar above, and drow or serpentfolk below. Negotiating travel through these tunnels is not easy, as each species is incredibly territorial, although a large enough bribe might suffice to pay one’s way through. However it’s done, traveling between layers with any measure of security necessitates making allies both above and below. Countless smaller passages are scattered throughout the Darklands, hidden away in the wilderness. Some are ancient and abandoned, while others are newly formed by tectonic activity and have yet to be discovered. For a dedicated Darklands explorer, such passages are priceless in their own right. Yet for those who don’t wish to spend years charting ever-shifting tunnels, hiring a guide may be the best option.
GREATEST THREATS IN SEKAMINA Thanks to the region’s enormous scope, massive beasts dwell within Sekamina, many of which likely would not be able to survive for long on the surface. Purple worms are some of the deadliest and best known of these, often catching adventurers unaware, as the vibrations caused by their tunneling can easily be mistaken for natural minor tremors. These behemoths have been known to swallow entire parties whole before their prey understands what’s happening. Fortunately, these monsters are not hard for experienced delvers to avoid, as they are relatively slow and leave behind very obvious trails. Particularly brave explorers have been known to hunt purple worms, as the creatures tend to swallow indigestible treasures and relics along with those who were wearing or wielding them. Navigating the tenuous and occasionally overlapping political borders of Sekamina is as complicated as navigating its geography. Most inhabitants of Sekamina regard surface dwellers as disposable slaves, food, or both. They are also vindictive. A group handling encounters poorly could potentially find entire regions of Sekamina becoming hostile toward them. This is especially true when interacting with drow, as they find great pleasure in torturing and abusing those they believe have wronged them in any way. However, a drow friend could be even more dangerous than a drow enemy. They find particularly talented surface dwellers just
Heroes of the Darklands useful enough to serve as unwitting political pawns—and expendable enough to be disposed of afterwards. Dealing with drow may be necessary at times, but doing so carelessly can be fatal. Adventurers in Sekamina must also be wary of Lake Nirthran, the Dying Sea. The largest body of water in Sekamina, the sea serves as the southern border of the drow empire, as the fallen elves don’t cross its waters without good reason. The lake’s strange tides are ruled by gravitational anomalies that make traditional sailing difficult at the best of times. The deceptively shallow water can leave larger ships marooned on underwater rock formations, while small vessels serve as little more than a snack for the massive sharks and sea monsters below the surface of the Dying Sea. There are also whispers of an ancient, tentacled creature lying dormant in the lake—either slumbering or plotting, depending on who is telling the story—which the resident skum worship as a god.
ADVENTURING IN SEKAMINA When traveling through Sekamina, understanding the local politics and trade is vital. The intelligent denizens of this layer of the Darklands control most of the primary tunnels, including the better-known routes between it and Nar-Voth. A party unable or unwilling to form even fleeting alliances will find traveling through the layer incredibly difficult. The trip to the surface is much longer from here, and running low on supplies could force a party to deal with a drow or ghoul caravan. Parties should include at least one adventurer willing to negotiate with evil creatures if they want to maintain any semblance of diplomacy. Having the means to hide one’s alignment, such as with the spell undetectable alignment, often comes in handy. Otherwise, it’s recommended to travel with enough wealth to pay one’s way through and avoid issues of bad (or good) manners.
While it is possible to survive exclusively in the wilds of Sekamina and avoid settlements altogether, this wilderness poses its own challenges. There is very little edible food in the area, as much of the flora and fauna are deadly to eat, and most of the water is stagnant or polluted. Even hunters and scavengers who know how to scrounge up safe meals find pickings scarce. Monsters in this region pose a serious threat, as they are always in competition with travelers for sustenance. Fiends freed from their contracts with drow summoners prowl this area, along with driders and other aberrant mutants. Adventurers should be equipped to handle a wide variety of exotic monsters. Adventurers intent on exploring southern Sekamina should be prepared to travel across Lake Nirthran, as going around the Dying Sea can add days or even weeks to a journey. However, sailing in the Darklands is nothing like sailing aboveground, as the tides here are commanded not only by the moon, but also by other strange forces, and the winds are unpredictable. Some sages believe that the distant planets Castrovel and Akiton are involved in this anomaly. Furthermore, primordial creatures—ones long extinct in the world above—inhabit the sea and thrive in the unique conditions of the underground world. Certain sections of the lake, such as the vicious whirlpools of the western sea, are unnavigable by ship. It’s easier for especially skilled swimmers to navigate these waters than for a vessel, but without the aid of powerful spells or magic items, it’s a feat only aquatic creatures are suited for. As explorers travel into the unclaimed wilderness of Sekamina, they are likely to come into contact with various forms of radiation. Some of these may pose a minor inconvenience to the party but cause no real harm. Caphorite, though innocuous to most living creatures, has the ability to neutralize any spell with the light descriptor cast within its aura. Lazurite, a material found exclusively
in marrowstone deposits of Sekamina, is also harmless to the living. However, it has strange necromantic properties, and any fresh, mostly intact corpse left in its light has a chance to rise as a ghoul. Ghoul settlements are usually found not far from lazurite deposits, and the ghoul capital city of Nemret Noktoria is surrounded by the largest such deposit. Lazurite is highly sought by necromancers, but few have discovered ways to mine it without destroying the substance’s potency. On the other end of the spectrum is the incredibly lethal blightburn. As its name might suggest, any creature that comes into contact with blightburn experiences terrible burns and blistering across its skin. Those within 60 feet of its radiation are at risk of blightburn poisoning, a deadly disease that causes painful sores to erupt all over the body and hair to fall out. Travelers who spot the deep green glow of blightburn along their path would do well to turn back and find another route (see page 24 for more information).
SEKAMINA TRAITS While most surface dwellers spend their entire lives hearing only rumors and fairy tales of Sekamina, there are those whose personalities have been shaped by it. The following traits are a few examples of how a character’s background may have led her to Sekamina. Allies in the Deep (Social): You’ve learned to deal amicably with individuals of questionable morals when necessary. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence evil creatures. You must have a nonevil alignment in order to take this trait. Darklands Scholar (Social): Unsatisfied with mere stories, you have spent years researching journals and firsthand accounts of those who explored the Darklands before you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge checks to identify the weaknesses of Darklands creatures. Escaped Captive (Social): Whether you were on your way to becoming a drow slave or slated for the ghoul chattel pits, you very narrowly avoided a life of miserable captivity. You make a habit of avoiding restraints or tight spaces, gaining a +1 trait bonus on Escape Artist checks and a +2 trait bonus to CMD to avoid being pinned.
SEKAMINA TOOLBOX When traveling through the depths of Sekamina, adventurers must be prepared for challenges and threats they have likely never faced before. Some of the following spells, items, and feats offer a fighting chance against the unknown.
MAGIC ITEMS The expansive civilizations in Sekamina have created highways and other thoroughfares that reduce the likelihood of travelers falling prey to the sort of accidental deaths from cave-ins and falls that plague those venturing through NarVoth. The perils of Sekamina instead have greater malice behind them, and require more sophisticated handling. The following items can help those exploring this realm.
CL 7th
PRICE 3,000 GP WEIGHT 1/10 lb.
AURA moderate evocation and necromancy This +2 arrow is fitted with a head of pure, crystallized blightburn. Unless contained in a lead-lined case or quiver, the arrow deals 1 point of fire damage per round to the creature carrying it. If the arrow hits, the arrowhead embeds itself in the target, dealing an additional 3d6 points of fire damage. The arrow continues to deal 2d6 points of fire damage each round for the following 6 rounds unless it’s pulled out as a move action. A creature taking recurring damage from a blightburn arrow also suffers from low-level blightburn radiation (see page 24) as long as the arrow remains embedded. An arrow that misses its target can be recovered as normal, but an arrow removed after hitting a target is destroyed. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Arms and Armor, festerAPG, fireball
CL 7th
COST 1,500 GP
PRICE 2,000 GP WEIGHT 4 lbs.
AURA moderate illusion This multicolored tarp is made from intricately woven cloth that gives its exterior the texture of stonework. It covers a 10-foot-by10-foot area and can be placed vertically, magically supporting its own weight. A polychrome cover magically takes on the same coloration of nearby stone, imitating any terrain it’s in contact with. The coloration of the cover is an illusion effect that can be disbelieved (Will DC 16). Those who successfully disbelieve the effect instead see the cover’s true coloration. When a polychrome cover is crafted, the maker designates any number of creatures present at its creation to be immune to the cover’s illusory effect. The crafter can instead exclude a specific race from the item’s illusion. Most polychrome covers are set to exclude svirfneblin. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, hallucinatory terrain
COST 1,000 GP
SPELLS The following spells can aid explorers in avoiding the creatures that hunt the darkness of Sekamina and the hostile environmental effects. Some of these spells are available only to advanced spellcasters, but others can be cast by lower-level adventurers. CONCEALED BREATH School transmutation; Level alchemist 4, cleric 4, druid 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4 Casting Time 1 standard action Components S, M/DF (a palm-sized stone) Range touch Target living creatures touched Duration 1 hour/level; see text Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Heroes of the Darklands This spell allows affected creatures to hold their breath freely without negative effects or risk of suffocation. Divide the duration evenly among all creatures touched. A creature that doesn’t need to breathe because of this spell is not at risk of drowning and is immune to effects that require breathing, such as inhaled poisons. This does not grant immunity to cloud or gas attacks that don’t require breathing. While a creature is holding its breath, it can’t speak or cast spells with a verbal component (unless it’s using Silent Spell). This spell does not prevent a creature from breathing normally; it just removes the need for the creature to breathe. MORNING SUN School evocation [light]; Level cleric 7, druid 7, inquisitor 6, shaman 7 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (500 gp worth of gold dust) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area 60-ft. radius Duration 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw Fortitude negates and Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance no This spell conjures a miniature sphere of sunlight, approximately the size of a human fist, at a desired location within range. The sphere sheds bright light in a 60-foot-radius burst. Creatures that take penalties in bright light do so while within the sphere’s area of illumination. Creatures that start their turns within the area of illumination and that are damaged or destroyed by sunlight must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered until 1d4+1 rounds after they leave the affected area. Non-creatures, such as hazardous fungi and mold that are destroyed by sunlight, become inert for the duration of the spell. The sphere cannot be moved from the place it was cast. The sphere deals 10d6 points of fire damage to anything it touches and anything that passes within 5 feet of it. A successful Reflex save reduces this damage by half.
flames never glow brighter than dim light, including any fires started by this spell. These flames cast light only half the distance of a torch and cannot be seen from more than 100 feet away. The flames deal 2d6 points of fire damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Against plants, this damage increases to 2d6 points + 2 points per caster level (maximum +10). RADIATION WARD School abjuration; Level alchemist 2, cleric 2, druid 2, ranger 1, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) A creature warded by this spell gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against radiationbased effects. In addition, the warded creature is immediately aware when it enters an area
PALE FLAME School evocation [fire]; Level druid 2, shaman 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (caphorite shard) Range 0 ft. Effect flame in your palm Duration 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes This spell functions as per produce flame, except that the
of radiation, as well as the radiation level (low, medium, high, or severe) suffusing the area.
SEKAMINA ARCHETYPES Surviving Sekamina often involves adapting to the realm’s environment, and Sekamina’s civilizations have devised many different traditions and practices to help them thrive in this hostile territory. The following archetypes greatly benefit those living in or journeying through Sekamina.
DEMON-SWORN (WITCH ARCHETYPE) The drow are among the best known creatures on Golarion who were “saved” by demonic intervention, but they’re far from the only ones. In the depths of the Darklands, as well as similarly inhospitable locales on Golarion, many seek the succor of demons as a means of survival. Such pacts are often made in haste, without a true understanding of the lifelong effects they’ll have on those who make them. Demonic Pact: A demon-sworn makes a pact with a demonic entity, forever binding her to the forces of the Abyss and corrupting her connection with her patron. At the indicated levels, she gains the spells below in place of her normal patron spells: 2nd—protection from good, 6th—unholy blight, 10th—dispel good, 14th—blasphemy, 18th—unholy aura. Casting spells with the evil descriptor from this replacement list has no effect on the demonsworn’s alignment. This ability modifies patron spells. Cruel Hex: A demon-sworn always inflicts some pain, whether she wants to or not. Each hex deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage to creatures affected by it, in addition to any damage the hex normally deals.
For major hexes, the damage increases to 2d4. For grand hexes, the damage increases to 4d4. Each die result of a natural 4 deals 1 point of lethal damage to the demon-sworn. This ability alters the witch’s hex, major hex, and grand hex. Manifest Pact (Ex): At 6th level, the demon-sworn gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat. The associated familiar is made up of the tiny amount of soul matter lost when the demon-sworn made her pact with demonic powers. The familiar must be a quasit, regardless of the demon-sworn’s actual alignment, and it manifests by eating its way out of the demon-sworn’s former familiar. The quasit knows all spells known to the previous familiar. It loyally serves the demon-sworn, despite any conflicts of alignment, obeying its mistress to the best of its abilities. This familiar cannot be replaced, and if slain, the ritual to replace the lost familiar recreates the same quasit, along with the same spells previously known. Replacing the familiar in this fashion also imparts the demon-sworn with 1 permanent negative level, as if she had been hit by an energy-draining creature. This ability replaces the hex gained at 6th level.
FUNGAL PILGRIM (DRUID ARCHETYPE) Druids often work to preserve the natural world, but some seek to further emulate it. Fungal pilgrims are druids seeking transformation into a more plantlike existence. These unique adherents of nature’s creed see fungi as the means to such ends, as many fungi—particularly those of the Darklands— naturally work their way into the bodies of living creatures. Devotion to Ascension (Ex): A fungal pilgrim must select the Plant domain for her nature bond if she does not select an animal companion. This alters nature bond. Spore Spawning: At 4th level, a fungal pilgrim who selected the Plant domain for her nature bond gains the ability to grow fungal creatures from the spores of her body. Once per day, when casting a summon nature’s ally spell to summon a single creature, the fungal pilgrim can infuse her fungal connection into the casting. The creature summoned must be selected from the summon nature’s ally list for 1 spell level lower than the spell cast. For example, if the fungal pilgrim casts summon nature’s ally III, she must choose a creature from the list in summon nature’s ally II. Creatures summoned in this manner gain the fungal creature template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 116), except they do not gain
Heroes of the Darklands the create spawn and poison spore cloud special attacks. A creature summoned in this manner cannot be harvested for its poison. A druid can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, for a total of eight times at 18th level. At 20th level, it can be used any number of times per day. This ability replaces wild shape if the fungal pilgrim selected the Plant domain as her nature bond. Fungal Companion: At 4th level, a fungal pilgrim who selected an animal companion for her nature bond initiates a transformation in her companion. The animal companion gains the fungal creature template (Bestiary 4 116), but does not gain the create spawn, poison spore cloud, and poisonous blood special attacks. At 10th level, the animal companion gains the poisonous blood special attack. At 14th level, the animal companion gains the poison spore cloud special attack. At 20th level, the animal companion gains the create spawn special attack; created spawn are under the control of the fungal pilgrim. Spawn created in this way last for only 48 hours before rotting away. This ability replaces wild shape if the fungal pilgrim selected an animal companion as her nature bond. Mycological Transformation (Ex): Fungal spores become fully integrated into the druid’s body, inside and out. At 15th level, she gains all immunities granted by the plant creature type as well as the light sensitivity universal monster rule. She counts as a plant for the purposes of effects that would negatively affect or damage plants. In addition, she no longer needs to eat or sleep in the typical manner, and instead gains the fungal creature’s rejuvenation ability. She can perform her daily meditation during her rejuvenation. This ability replaces timeless body.
TURNCOAT (SLAYER ARCHETYPE) In Sekamina, betraying others before they have the chance to betray you can be a necessary survival technique. While not all adventurers have the heart for such underhanded dealings, others have developed a knack for it. The turncoat’s natural talents for deception and treachery are fitting when negotiating with the untrustworthy inhabitants of Sekamina and other notoriously unscrupulous areas, and his ability to adapt allows him to preempt opponents’ schemes. Not all party members may be comfortable with having someone so adept at backstabbing among their ranks, but most tend to be grateful that he uses his skills to their benefit. Dubious Recognition (Ex): A turncoat adds half his level (minimum 1) to Sense Motive checks to recognize when a creature is lying or attempting to take advantage of the turncoat and his allies. This replaces track. Double Speak (Ex): At 7th level, a turncoat can attempt a Bluff check in place of a Diplomacy check against a studied target. The target can attempt an opposed Sense Motive check. This ability replaces stalker.
Sudden Betrayal (Ex): At 14th level, as a standard action a turncoat can choose a single creature within 30 feet. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks against this target. If the target has an attitude of indifferent or better toward him, the first attack roll the turncoat makes against that target is automatically treated as threatening a critical hit. If the target’s attitude is friendly or better, a successful attack is treated as a confirmed critical hit. This ability can be used only once per day. At 19th level, the bonus increases to +6, and the attack is treated as a confirmed critical hit if the target is at least indifferent to the turncoat. This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.
VERMIN TAMER (CAVALIER ARCHETYPE) Due to the strange terrain, the lack of sunlight, and numerous other hazards, keeping a traditional mount in the Darklands can prove difficult. Cavaliers native to or traveling the region may choose to tame local creatures instead. Those who can overcome their revulsion and distrust of Sekamina’s strange fauna often find that such partnerships with native creatures serve both rider and mount well. While these mounts may be harder to handle than typical mounts, their versatility and adaptations prove indispensable. Darklands Mount (Ex): At 1st level, a vermin tamer chooses a creature native to the Darklands as his mount. This functions as a cavalier’s mount. He can choose a giant beetle, giant centipede, giant gecko (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186), giant slug, or giant spider as his mount. These mounts (except the giant gecko) and the rules for vermin companions are detailed on page 36 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic. The selected mount is combat trained. The vermin trainer does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. If the vermin tamer’s starting mount is large enough to act as a mount, it gains Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. If the selected animal companion is too small to act as a proper mount, then the vermin tamer gains Undersized Mount (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 159) as a bonus feat. This ability alters mount. Stuck in the Saddle (Ex): A practiced vermin tamer can remain steady in the saddle even in unconventional situations. At 4th level, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on any checks to stay in the saddle when his mount is climbing walls or flying. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +8, and he never falls off his mount when he is rendered unconscious. This replaces expert training. Disorienting Challenge (Ex): At 12th level, whenever a vermin tamer declares a challenge, he can confound his target with the erratic movements of his mount. As long as the vermin tamer begins his turn mounted, with his mount climbing or flying at a higher location than his target, the target of his challenge takes a –2 penalty to its AC. This replaces demanding challenge.
Each of the Orvian Vaults is a unique vista, built for reasons now lost to history. It’s impossible to tell if any of the remaining Vaults continue to serve whatever their intended purpose was. I’ve never seen a Vault Builder, and I doubt I ever will. But if I ever do meet one of the originators of the Vaults, it’s a safe assumption that I’d have questions... lots of questions. —Koriah Azmeren, Volume 44 of the Pathfinder Chronicles
Legacy of the Vault Builders Depth: 8,000 feet and below Common Inhabitants aboleths, intellect devourers, neothelids, pechsB2, seugathiB2, troglodytes (xulgath), urdefhansB2 Common Monsters dinosaurs, elder elementals, gugsB2, megafauna, mobatsB2, purple worms, skavelingsB2, vemeraksB2 Other Threats avalanches, cave-ins, disease, downpours, flash floods, lava flows, magical traps, poison
Created eons ago by the beings known as Vault Builders, Orv is made up of a series of massive chambers within the earth. These strange chambers
are known as Vaults. Each Vault contains its own ecosystems and inhabitants, their original purposes long forgotten. While these Vaults should have collapsed into molten rock long ago, ancient magic keeps them stable. The Vaults vary in scale from the size of nations to the breadth of oceans. Twisting pathways of tunnels that wind through the deep earth connect the different Vaults. Orv is the most enigmatic layer of all the Darklands, with little information on the Vaults reaching the surface world—or even the rest of the Darklands. Only the bravest venture into these depths, and only the exceptionally well prepared make it out again.
REACHING ORV Hidden routes to Orv thread throughout Sekamina’s maze of tunnels, but these roads tend to be concealed or trapped by natives of both realms. For this reason, straightforward passages to Orv can be difficult to find, and adventurers stumbling upon such avenues must be wary of hostile natives, primarily the vicious gugs, during their descent. Intelligent residents of the Vaults do not patrol these passages. Seugathi and other denizens of Orv sometimes use these routes for excursions into the higher layers, but otherwise these tunnels rarely see travel. Safe passage can’t be assumed, and most creatures encountered in these areas are far more interested in consuming travelers than assuring their safety. For the truly bold or foolhardy, two other routes exist: falling into the Endless Gulf, a rift deep underneath the Candlestone Caverns in northwestern Andoran, that connects all three layers of the Darklands; or swimming through the underwater tunnels at the bottom of the Arcadian Ocean. There are few advantages to either method, as both are extremely dangerous and do nothing to avoid the hostile natives.
GREATEST THREATS IN ORV Most of Orv’s peril originates from the creatures that dwell there. Urdefhans are one of the most
Heroes of the Darklands common races encountered in Orv, as they routinely travel throughout the layer. Infused with daemonic energy, these depraved creatures seek to cause only death and destruction, and should always be assumed to have malicious intentions. Silver weapons are a necessity for overcoming urdefhans’ damage reduction. Positive energy can also be used to harm them, while spells like restoration can counteract the vitality drain of their bites. Urdefhans find the idea of being captured repugnant, and usually self-destruct via their daemonic pact ability to avoid it. Ranged or reach weapons can keep adventurers out of the blast radius, while spells like death ward grant immunity to the blast’s negative energy. Titanic monstrosities also roam across Orv. Dinosaurs, giant insects, megafauna, mobats, and purple worms are scattered throughout the Vaults and connecting tunnels. Charm animal or the wild empathy class feature can turn hostile animals into allies, while control vermin (Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex 45) can do the same for insects. Many eldritch creatures found in Orv are capable of mental assault or mind reading. Feats such as Iron Will and spells like mind blank, protection from evil, or tower of iron will (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 190) are good options for explorers in this layer.
ADVENTURING IN ORV Orv is a mystery, even to most inhabitants of adjacent Sekamina, which means that most explorers will enter this layer with little information. Augury can provide helpful hints in uncertain situations, while divination and legend lore aid adventurers who quest for something specific. Gloves of reconnaissanceUE and the arcane eye spell can be used for local scouting, as can spells such as bloodhoundAPG and greater darkvisionUM for those relying on stealth and perception. Very few residents of Orv are friendly—or even civil— without an ulterior motive, leaving adventurers to find their own food and shelter. The terrain in Orv varies wildly from Vault to Vault, meaning ordinary survival skills and equipment may not always be useful. The secure shelter spell provides a safe haven to rest, while an instant fortress is a costly, but defensible, recourse in the form of a magic item. Due to the incredible size of the Vaults, explorers either need spells such as teleport or wind walk, or must be prepared for a very long journey. A folding boatUE is recommended for anyone seeking to travel the Sightless Sea. Provisions are also difficult to come by; explorers had best bring plenty of their own, or employ spells such as create food and water or heroes’ feast. The winding tunnels between Orv’s Vaults can be more dangerous than the Vaults themselves, due to malicious sabotage by urdefhans and other creatures. Characters with trapfinding or access to find traps and detect snares and pits can spot mundane traps, while dispel magic is invaluable for disabling magical hazards.
ORV TRAITS Despite Orv’s apparent isolation from the world outside the Vaults, elements from it often leak out. Sometimes they
are sought out deliberately, like the potent black blood of the similarly titled region, or the mythical paradise of Ilvarandin. Other times, they take the form of violent excursions by seugathi, urdefhans, or worse. The following traits are appropriate for characters who, one way or another, find themselves connected to one of the ancient Vaults beneath the earth. Black Blood Heritage (Magic): One of your ancestors came in contact with the mystical black blood (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Into the Darklands 51), granting you an affinity for the substance. You are immune to the negative effects of black blood. Once per day as a swift action, you can channel the essence of black blood, increasing your effective caster level by 1 for any 1st-­or 2nd-level necromancy spell you cast. Your blood is pitch black as a result of this trait. Voices in Your Head (Social): Through pacts with eldritch beings or a simple quirk of circumstance, your voice has an uncanny rapport with those swept up in madness. Once per day as an immediate action, you can issue a command to a confused creature within 30 feet. This allows the creature to immediately reroll on the confused condition table on page 566 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, and you can pick which of the two actions—the action of its initial roll or that of the reroll—the creature takes. Confused creatures do not need to understand you for this trait to take effect.
ORV TOOLBOX Just as Orv features the most widely varied terrain of all the Darklands regions, so too do adventurers need a variety of equipment to overcome it. Presented below are several items and spells suited to those planning an expedition to the former realm of the Vault Builders.
EQUIPMENT While exotic to surface dwellers, the following mundane equipment can be found throughout Orv.
These secretions are only one of the many spores and fluids that the mu sporesB2 of Orv produce, but this is one of the few that surface dwellers have learned to safely use. This clear secretion can be added to any alchemical weapon, including an alchemist’s bombsAPG, as a move action. When mixed in this way, the affected alchemical weapon ignores half the hardness of any wooden objects it strikes. Alternatively, against creatures primarily made of wood (such as treants or wood golems), such weapons ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction the creatures has.
PRICE 100 GP WEIGHT 40 lbs.
This boat has a canvas hull and wooden frame that can be easily disassembled. When collapsed, the boat fits into a pack that can be carried by one person. When expanded, this boat has the same base statistics as a rowboat (Core Rulebook 163). Expanding or collapsing it takes 5 minutes.
PRICE 10 GP WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
This altimeter has been specially calibrated for the Darklands and can be used to measure how deep you are beneath the surface. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to navigate underground.
VEHICLE Strange methods not seen on the surface to ascend or descend the vastness of the Vaults can be found in Orv. HOT-AIR BALLOON Huge air vehicle Squares 9 (15 ft. by 15 ft.); Cost 5,000 gp DEFENSE
AC 8; Hardness 0 (takes double damage from acid and fire attacks) hp 80 (39) Base Save +0 OFFENSE
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (60 ft. ascent/descent only); Acceleration 10 ft. CMB +1; CMD 11 Ramming Damage 1d8 DESCRIPTION
This massive balloon is connected to a large basket for passengers. It ascends and descends through the use of a burner, but its only means of propulsion is through natural or magical wind. When deflated, the vehicle’s balloon can be placed within the passengers’ basket for transportation. A hot-air balloon can carry 1,000 pounds of cargo or four passengers. Propulsion current (air; 8 squares of balloon, hp 60) and burner Driving Check Acrobatics or Fly Forward Facing the dome of the balloon or its basket Driving Device burner Driving Space any square in the passenger basket attached to the balloon Crew 1 Decks 1
SPELLS Spellcasters can discover strange and ancient spells deep in the Vaults of Orv. ANIMUS MINE School abjuration [mind-affecting]; Level mesmerist 2, psychic 3 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range personal Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no You implant a mental mine within your psyche that triggers against anyone attempting to manipulate your thoughts. Any creature that uses a mind-affecting effect against you triggers the mine, causing psychic backlash against the offending creature. This backlash deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) and staggers the target for 1d4 rounds.
If the target succeeds at a Will saving throw, it takes only half damage and negates the staggered effect. The mine does not disrupt the mind-affecting effect that triggered the spell. You can use a swift action to suppress the trigger of your mine for 1 round to allow someone to use a mind-affecting effect on you. You can have only one mental mine active at a time. ANIMUS MINE, GREATER School abjuration [mind-affecting]; Level mesmerist 4, psychic 5 This functions as per animus mine, except the triggering creature is stunned for 1d4 rounds instead of staggered. If the target succeeds at a Will saving throw, it takes only half damage and negates the stunned effect. If the target fails this Will saving throw, you automatically succeed at any saving throw against the mind-affecting effect that triggered the mine. ENTOMB School transmutation [earth]; Level druid 8, shaman 8, sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Time 1 minute Components V, S, M (a pristine geode worth at least 1,000 gp) Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect up to three 10-ft. cubes/level (S) Duration permanent Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no You designate an aboveground area and send it deep within the earth. During the casting of this spell, the chosen area is rocked by minor tremors that alert nearby creatures to the impending danger. Once the spell is complete, the chosen area is drawn into the earth and buried in a self-contained vault, with the uppermost point at a depth of up to 10 feet per caster level below the surface. The surrounding atmosphere and all creatures within the selected area at the end of the spell’s casting time are entombed in this vault. The magic of the vault maintains the natural light, temperature, and air quality of the area as it originally existed aboveground, but any magical effects that affected these qualities do not have their duration extended. For example, a sunny field would remain brightly lit indefinitely, despite being buried underground, while a daylight spell would expire at the end of that spell’s duration. When creating the vault, you can leave a tunnel to the surface world (up to 20 feet wide), or you can completely isolate the vault from the outside world. Casting this spell does not destroy or damage anything that may have existed in the ground where you choose to place this vault, but instead pushes it farther down into the earth. Should your vault be dispelled, the entombed area returns to the surface, and anything that may have been displaced by the vault returns to its original place. If there is something already on the surface that blocks the vault’s path, the vault pushes it harmlessly aside when returning. INTENSIFY PSYCHE School enchantment [emotion, mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, cleric 2, medium 2, mesmerist 1, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, spiritualist 2, witch 2
Heroes of the Darklands Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. level) Effect one creature Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell resistance yes A sense of euphoria suffuses the target, amplifying all sensations, good or bad. The target creature gains a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perform, and Sense Motive checks. In addition, the DC for any spells or effects with the emotion or pain descriptors cast or caused by the target increases by 1 while the target is under the effects of the spell. However, increased sensitivity causes the target to take a –2 penalty on saving throws against spells and effects with the emotion or pain descriptor. SURFACE EXCURSION School conjuration (teleportation); Level magus 5, occultist 4, psychic 5, shaman 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 4, summoner 4, witch 5 Casting Time 3 rounds Components V, S, M (a handful of soil that has been in the sun for at least 6 hours) Range touch Effect you plus up to one willing creature per 3 levels Duration 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no You instantly transport yourself and touched allies onto the nearest sky-facing surface directly above you. The destination surface may be solid ground or the surface of a body of water (or other liquid), depending on your position. If reaching the surface would require crossing planar boundaries or no sky-facing surface exists directly above your position, the spell fails and has no effect. When the spell is cast, a magical beacon appears at both your departure and arrival points, suspended 3 feet in the air. These beacons are invisible to everyone but you and those allies touched when the spell was cast. You and every creature originally targeted by the spell can touch the beacon at your arrival point to teleport back to your original departure point. Each creature that chooses to return in this manner is transported to a free space adjacent to the beacon at your original departure point. If the area around the departure beacon is occupied by a solid body (for instance, rubble from a cave-in), then you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a random open space on a solid surface within 100 feet of the beacon. If there is no free space within 100 feet, the spell effect ends with no return transportation.
layers of the Darklands. Creatures from the Vaults rarely sojourn upward in great number, and those who do are often hostile to all they encounter. Despite this, or perhaps due to long-forgotten ties between Golarion of the past and the Vaults of today, some of the traditions found in Orv have similar counterparts scattered throughout the rest of the world. The following archetypes do not necessarily originate in Orv, but are commonly found among the natives of specific Vaults. Surface dwellers who take these archetypes may remain blissfully unaware of the Darklands their entire lives, but some find themselves inexorably drawn into the depths, seeking a stronger connection to their abilities or lured there by otherworldly powers.
BEASTKIN BERSERKER (BARBARIAN ARCHETYPE) While some barbarians take on bestial aspects in their rages, the beastkin berserker descends so deeply into primal fury that she actually transforms into an animal. Berserkers of the surface world often associate with predators such as bears or wolves, and are sometimes mistaken for lycanthropes. The barbarians in Deep Tolguth shapechange into rampaging dinosaurs or megafauna, crafting their armor out of the hide and bones of their favored animals. Savage Rapport (Ex): At 1st level, a beastkin berserker gains a spiritual connection to a specific kind of creature with the animal type (such as a badger or a triceratops).
ORV ARCHETYPES The denizens of Orv’s Vaults have been isolated for untold ages, adapting in almost complete seclusion from higher
She adds half her level (minimum 1) on Handle Animal, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks involving the chosen type of animal. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th levels), the beastkin berserker can select an additional kind of animal to which these bonuses apply. This ability replaces fast movement. Feral Transformation (Su): At 4th level, when entering a rage, a beastkin berserker can take the form of a Small or Medium animal. This functions as beast shape I, except the duration is for as long as the beastkin berserker rages and the animal must be one she has chosen with her savage rapport. At 8th level, the beastkin berserker can use feral transformation to take the form of a Large or Tiny animal that she has chosen with her savage rapport. Feral transformation now acts as beast shape II. At 12th level, a beastkin berserker is able to use feral transformation to take the form of a Huge or Diminutive animal that she has chosen with her savage rapport. Feral transformation now functions as beast shape III. This ability replaces the rage powers gained at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels.
CRYSTAL TENDER (SHAMAN ARCHETYPE) Crystal tenders are most often found among subterranean races and races bearing a strong connection to the earth. A crystal tender focuses on the spirits of metal and stone, using crystals as a means to focus the power of the spirits she venerates. Many crystal tenders take it upon themselves to guard rich gem veins and other mineral treasures from those who would mine them out of greed, much in the way that surface-dwelling druids might defend a sacred grove from woodcutters. The crystal tenders of Orv meditate within the Crystal Womb, often near the churning vortex that makes up the heart of the Vault. They learn to focus the cavern’s energies through ley lines in the stone, and they study the birth of crystals within the Womb in order to mimic the process. Scion of the Stones (Ex): A crystal tender forms a mystic connection with the precious stones and gems she has sworn to protect. Her spirit animal always appears to be composed of a crystalline
substance and gains a +2 bonus to its natural armor. Her spirit animal is treated as an outsider with both the earth and native subtypes, and counts as a crystalline creature for the purposes of spells and abilities. The unique nature of her spirit animal increases the cost of replacing it to 750 gp per shaman level. This alters spirit animal. Reciprocal Resonance (Su): At 4th level, a crystal tender learns to form a temporary bond with a spirit of crystal. When selecting her wandering spirit, she can forgo gaining a spirit ability to instead grant herself and her spirit animal DR 1/adamantine as long as they’re within 10 feet of one another. While benefiting from this ability, the crystal tender’s skin takes on a crystalline sheen. The DR gained from this ability increases to 2/ adamantine at 8th level, 3/adamantine at 12th level, 4/adamantine at 16th level, and 5/adamantine at 20th level. This alters wandering spirit. Invoke Latent Facets (Su): At 8th level, both a crystal tender and her spirit animal gain all of the benefits of any ioun stones worn by one another, as long as they’re within 100 feet of each other. The crystal tender’s spirit animal can also embed a number of ioun stones equal to the crystal tender’s Charisma modifier into its crystalline form. Embedded ioun stones don’t gain any additional abilities, save that they don’t orbit the spirit animal and can’t be separately targeted. A slain or unconscious spirit animal immediately loses all embedded ioun stones, which tumble to the ground beside its body. This replaces the shaman hex gained at 8th level. Cabochon Form (Sp): At 20th level, as a standard action, a crystal tender can transform her body into a living gemstone as per iron body with a duration of 12 hours. Instead of being vulnerable to effects that can harm an iron golem while in this form, she is vulnerable to effects that can harm a crystalline creature (such as shatter). She can use this ability once per day. This replaces manifestation.
PSYCHIC MARAUDER (PSYCHIC ARCHETYPE) When one encounters aberrant creatures, it can unlock psychic potential within a person, though this experience is traumatic for those who endure it. The psychic marauder’s powers come hand in hand
Heroes of the Darklands with madness, either from exposure to alien psyches or from terrifying glimpses into the cosmos that the psychic can’t suppress. But she does not crumble under the strain of this insanity; instead, she cordons it off to use as a shield against other psychic intrusions and harnesses it to unleash it upon the world around her. Psychic marauders in Orv have often been corrupted by the influence of aboleths or neothelids. Alignment: A psychic marauder must be of nonlawful alignment. A psychic marauder that becomes lawful loses her aura of insanity. However, she retains all other benefits of this archetype. Skewed Mentality (Ex): At 2nd level, a psychic marauder becomes alienated from reality as others perceive it. The psychic marauder uses her Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of her Wisdom modifier. This ability replaces detect thoughts. Aura of Insanity (Su): At 3rd level, a psychic marauder’s madness begins to leak out. As a standard action, the psychic marauder can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to manifest an aura of insanity, letting bits of her psyche penetrate the minds of those around her. The aura is centered on the psychic marauder and has a radius of 10 feet, increasing by 5 feet for every 3 class levels beyond 3rd. Any creature starting its turn within the aura must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the psychic marauder’s level + the psychic marauder’s Charisma modifier) or be confused for 1 round. The psychic marauder can exclude a number of targets inside the radius equal to 1 + 1 for every 3 class levels beyond 3rd, shielding them from her madness. The aura of insanity lasts for a number of rounds equal to the psychic marauder’s Charisma modifier. This is a mindaffecting effect. At 11th level, when a creature rolls to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the psychic marauder can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to force the affected creature to roll twice. The psychic marauder selects which result is used. At 19th level, when a creature would roll to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the psychic marauder can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to select the result of the affected creature’s confused condition without rolling. This does not allow the psychic marauder to control how that result is applied. This ability replaces the phrenic amplifications gained at 3rd, 11th, and 19th levels. Cracked Perspectives (Ex): At 9th level, a psychic marauder’s growing madness renders her immune to confusion and insanity effects. This ability replaces telepathic bond. Unreal Understanding (Ex): At 20th level, a psychic marauder’s mindset becomes completely aberrant, to the point that no outside force can penetrate her psyche. Because of this, the psychic marauder becomes immune to all mind-affecting effects. This ability replaces remade self.
THE VAULTS OF ORV Each Vault in Orv is essentially a world unto itself, a contained ecosystem larger than most kingdoms of the surface world, with its own species and civilizations. Most denizens never venture outside their home Vault, which has kept the nature of each very distinct from those of the others. Below are descriptions of some of the better-known Vaults and their inhabitants. The Black Desert: An immense Vault under northern Garund, the Black Desert contains an expanse of shifting black dunes. The sands and air are poisonous to most living things. The Vault also contains the city of Shraen, named for a drow noble house that fled there after being exiled from Sekamina, and now rules the Vault as undead spellcasters. Shraen is a city of pyramids and towers, predating the drow incursion. The Crystal Womb: Nestled beneath the Mindspin Mountains, this Vault is a jungle of crystal pillars arching from floor to ceiling, glowing with strange and colorful energies. In the center is a vortex that connects the Vault with the Elemental Plane of Earth. Deep Tolguth: A lost world beneath the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Tolguth is lit by a false sun that gives the illusion, to confused travelers, of a return to the surface world. Dinosaurs and ancient monsters roam the Vault and compete with tribes of primitive humans and orcs. Denebrum: Home to the neothelids, ancient enemies of the aboleths and the Vault Builders, this land of immense forests and poisonous swamps lies beneath Varisia. Doga-Delloth: The urdefhans are one of the few Orv cultures with any interest in conquest outside their own Vault, and this dense network of massive cities and roads is the beating heart of their empire. Ilvarandin: The Vault Builders created a single vast city of towers, domes, and arched bridges resembling those of ancient Azlant in this strange place lit by glowing clouds of phosphorescent spores. The inhabitants appear to be drow, duergar, dwarves, elves, humans, morlocks, orcs, and skum—all of which are actually intellect devourers. Land of Black Blood: Under the elven forests of Kyonin seethes a realm flowing with the strange substance that gives it its name, valued throughout the Darklands for its potent contribution to necromantic workings. Midnight Mountains: Moonlike orbs light a range of ragged mountain peaks with its own weather systems. Centrally located, this Vault is a crossroads of Darklands traffic, ruled by gugs and umbral dragons. Minos-Pashat: To the west of Doga-Delloth lies MinosPashat, sacred to the urdefhans, who believe it is the origin of their kind. Only their greatest priests and leaders are allowed within to pray and experience visions. The Sightless Sea: The largest of Orv’s Vaults, this vast underground sea separates the Vaults described above from the mysteries on its unseen other shore. Dozens of tiny islands break its surface, and denizens of Leng, tieflings, and munavris all sail its waters.
Darklands Radiation The Darklands are an unknowably dangerous realm rife with natural and supernatural hazards. One of the most insidious killers in the Darklands isn’t a monstrous creature or malevolent society, but the frequently invisible threat of radiation. First detailed in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide, radiation is a poison effect that deals longlasting ability damage to exposed creatures. Many native creatures have adapted to survive radiation, but for explorers from the surface, radiation is a common cause of death. Most Darklands trade routes are devoid of radioactive hazards, as these routes are specifically designed to avoid such dangers. However, regions containing mineral riches, long-forgotten treasures, and some of the Darklands’ rarest fauna lie far from these safe passages. Travel through remote areas ripe for exploration is thus more likely to expose adventurers to various forms of radiation. Wouldbe Darklands explorers should prepare for the presence of radioactive agents so they can safely traverse such regions of the subterranean realm.
R ADIOACTIVE M ATERIALS Listed below are the three types of radioactive substances most commonly encountered in the Darklands.
BLIGHTBURN Blightburn is a highly radioactive crystalline mineral that grows in isolated pockets throughout the Darklands, from Nar-Voth all the way down to Orv. When exposed to air, blightburn crystals give off a deep green glow as bright as a candle. Any creature coming into physical contact with a blightburn crystal takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round, and creatures within 60 feet of blightburn crystals are exposed to blightburn radiation. Blightburn radiation interferes with spells of the teleportation subschool. A character attempting to teleport into or out of an area of blightburn radiation must succeed at a caster level check (DC = the Fortitude save DC for the radiation) to successfully cast the spell.
Radiation Level Low Medium High Severe
Fort DC 13 17 22 30
Initial Effect 1 Con drain 1d4 Con drain 2d4 Con drain 4d6 Con drain
Secondary Effect 1 Cha damage/day 1d4 Cha damage/day 1d6 Cha damage/day 2d6 Cha damage/day
caphorite radiation; however, plants exposed to caphorite radiation tend to grow more quickly, and with long-term exposure (over the course of several generations), they sometimes develop rudimentary sentience. Additionally, anyone attempting to cast a spell with the light descriptor within 30 feet of caphorite must succeed at a DC 15 caster level check or have the spell disrupted. Caphorite Ammunition: This ammunition typically consists of crossbow bolts, often employed by drow house guards. A caphorite arrow or bolt detonates on impact, its head shattering in a mass of fine caphorite particulate. Any nonmagical light in a 10-foot radius is immediately extinguished, while spells of 2nd level or lower with the light descriptor are rendered inactive for 1d4+1 rounds. Higherlevel spells with the light descriptor are unaffected. Caphorite ammunition has a cost of +10 gp per item.
LAZURITE Lazurite is a decayed form of a radioactive material no longer found in its natural form within the Darklands, said to be the remnants of a long-dead god. Lazurite is encountered exclusively in Sekamina, and appears as a crumbling black dust that emits a strong aura of necromancy. A corpse left within 30 feet of a naturally occurring deposit of lazurite for 24 hours has a 50% chance of spontaneously reanimating as a free-willed ghoul (often with the class levels it had in life). All undead within an area of lazurite radiation gain a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist channeled energy. Lazurite-Bonded Armor: While crafting lazurite equipment has proven to be a notoriously difficult feat, some artificers, particularly among Darklands ghouls, have concocted a means of coaxing small amounts of lazurite into sets of armor. These sets of armor include thin lines of blackened lazurite crisscrossing the regular surface of the armor. A creature wearing a set of lazurite-bonded armor gains a +2 bonus on saves to resist channeled energy and against cure spells. The wearer must attempt a Will save against positive energy channeling, regardless of whether it’s harmful or helpful to the wearer. A living creature slain while wearing lazurite-bonded armor has a 10% chance of spontaneously rising as a ghoul after 24 hours. A set of light armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 1,500 gp. A set of medium armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 2,500 gp. A set of heavy armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 3,500 gp.
Caphorite, also known as drowstone, is a supernatural metallic ore found in large deposits in Sekamina. This radioactive mineral emits a magical radiation that registers a faint aura of transmutation magic to detect magic, though caphorite itself has no magical qualities and no effective caster level. Living creatures suffer no ill effects from
Most residents and visitors to the Darklands do their best to avoid the dangers of Darklands radiation, but a rare few kineticists recognize the power of this phenomenon and seek to harness it. These kineticists use radiation both as a weapon and as fuel for dazzling displays. They are seen as blessed by some Darklands dwellers, and cursed by others.
Heroes of the Darklands BLIGHTBURNER (KINETICIST ARCHETYPE) Darklands geokineticists sometimes exhibit supernatural powers associated with blightburn crystals. Blightburner kineticists harness this radioactivity in pyrotechnic displays, an unusual feat for those connected to the element of earth. Earth Focus: A blightburner must choose earth as her elemental focus. This alters elemental focus. Blightburn Manipulation (Su): A blightburner can harness radiation for nondestructive purposes. A blightburner can channel blightburn radiation as a standard action, causing herself to glow like a torch. This effect lasts until she dismisses it as a standard action. Additionally, she can generate small amounts of heat with her hands. This radiation can slowly heat unattended objects with a touch to a warm (but not painfully hot) temperature, or cook raw meat or vegetable matter at a rate of 1 pound per minute. If used on a living creature, this ability deals 1 point of nonlethal damage per minute of contact, which manifests as reddened and blistering skin. This ability replaces the basic geokinesis wild talent gained from elemental focus. Radiation Absorption (Su): At 2nd level, whenever a blightburner would take ability damage from radiation, she can accept 1 point of burn to reduce the ability damage by 4 points. Any remaining ability damage is applied normally. This replaces the utility wild talent gained at 2nd level. Blightburn Aura (Su): At 2nd level, a blightburner’s body surges with a greenish, radioactive glow whenever she accepts burn. This energy sheds light like a candle. A creature that hits the blightburner with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or nonreach melee weapon attack while she’s under the effect of her blightburn aura takes fire damage equal to her elemental overflow bonus (minimum 1). By accepting 2 points of burn, she can increase this damage by an amount equal to her elemental overflow bonus; she can increase the damage in this way up to four times. A blightburner can temporarily suppress the visual effects of a blightburn aura by concentrating for 1 full round, but doing so also suppresses all of this ability’s other benefits. The next time she uses a wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly. At 6th level, whenever the blightburner has at least 3 points of burn, the blightburn aura expands to fill all adjacent squares. In addition to damaging creatures that hit the blightburner with melee attacks, the aura also deals damage to other creatures that end their turns within the aura. At 11th level, whenever the kineticist has at least 5 points of burn, the blightburn aura expands to a 10-foot-radius aura, and any creature that takes damage from it must also succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the blightburner’s level + her Constitution bonus) or be sickened for 1 round. This ability is a poison effect. At 16th level, whenever a blightburner has at least 7 points of burn, any creature that takes damage from the blightburn aura and fails its Fortitude save also become fatigued.
This ability replaces the ability score boosts granted by elemental overflow and earth’s elemental defense, but the blightburner can still gain elemental defenses from other elements with expanded defense. Radiation Resistance (Su): At 6th level, a blightburner becomes resistant to all forms of radiation, and can use the radiation’s energy as gathered power. She gains a bonus on saving throws to resist the effects of radiation equal to her elemental overflow bonus. When she succeeds at a save against radiation, she can reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent used before the end of her next turn as if she had gathered power with a move action. Once she gains this benefit, she can’t do so again for 1 minute, even if she’s exposed to radiation again before that. She can’t use this ability if she’s immune to poison or radiation. A blightburner gains an internal buffer at 11th level, and it has a capacity as if she were 5 levels lower. This ability alters gather power and internal buffer.
Darkened Seas
Most surface dwellers believe the Darklands is only a claustrophobic network of tunnels, but these expansive realms beneath Golarion’s surface are also home to numerous lakes, rivers, and even seas. Water sources from the surface drain into subterranean waterways, nourishing much of the Darklands ecosystem. These rivers flow ever downward, collecting in reservoirs throughout the layers of Nar-Voth and Sekamina before descending to the deepest Vaults of Orv. The cramped environment and lack of natural wind patterns make navigating Darklands waterways radically different from traditional sailing. Most inhabitants use muscle power to ply the underground lakes and rivers, either by rowing across wide bodies, poling through shallow waters, or using paddle wheels to traverse passageways too narrow for typical oars. Deeper into the Darklands, magical means of navigation become more common in the face of increasingly bizarre currents.
BODIES OF WATER The following are some of the major bodies of water found in Darklands. Lake Nirthran: The central feature of Sekamina, Lake Nirthran provides the most direct route for those who wish to travel long distances across the Darklands’ second layer. Commerce in Sekamina depends on shipping lanes throughout the lake, but the constant flow of wealth attracts all manner of predators seeking gold or humanoid flesh. Mercenaries from all walks of life can find work in the drow settlements of Delving Ulf or Telderist by protecting cargo ships from dark folk pirates, skum raiders, or the various ichthyoid beasts from the Dying Sea’s lightless depths. Sightless Sea: The oceanic Orvian region known as the Sightless Sea is home to members of almost every aquatic or seafaring species in the Darklands. Different parts of the sea feature divergent climates and currents, ranging from tropical doldrums to frigid, iceberg-filled waters. The sea’s wide array of environments, combined with its bizarre collection of geologically impossible islands, suggests the ancient Vault Builders artificially segregated the sea’s potential ecosystems for some unknowable purpose. Tenebros River: Flowing through the Candlestone Caverns, the Tenebros River collects runoff from the Aspodell Mountains as it flows down through NarVoth, eventually emptying into Lake Nirthran. Gremlins (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 141) and various aquatic fey from the Court of Ether stalk the Tenebros in search of surface folk to torment, though these fey flee when the spring thaw swells the river and floods the surrounding caverns. Several Andoren communities draw up water from the river’s subterranean tributaries, leading to problems when creatures from NarVoth use these wells to access the surface.
DARKLANDS SEA R ACES The following creatures commonly travel or trade via on the waterways that stretch throughout the Darklands. Munavris: This nautical Orvian civilizations has mastered the art of plying the Sightless Sea in gem-laden ivory vessels. A naturally psychic people, munavris often use their gifts for nautical pursuits, having created an entirely unique method of sailing in their Darklands home. Skum: The influence of the aboleths extends throughout the Darklands, and many such sites still host the aboleths’ skum servants. The skum remained in the higher layers while their
Heroes of the Darklands masters fled to Orv, creating enclaves in Nar-Voth and Sekamina with varying degrees of loyalty to their former masters. Urdefhans: Orv’s most militaristic civilization, the daemon-worshiping urdefhans sail the Sightless Sea in massive warships, seeking islands to conquer and mortals to massacre. Their predations often bring them into conflict with munavris, fueling a deep enmity between the two peoples. Urdefhan raiding parties occasionally find their way to Lake Nirthran and other bodies of water, laying waste to the surrounding Darklands regions until locals drive them off.
MUNAVRI OCCULT SKILL UNLOCKS Centuries of exposure to Orv’s supernatural forces instilled the munavris with an innate aptitude for psychic magic. Munavri characters capable of casting psychic spells or who have the Psychic Sensitivity feat (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 138) gain access to the following abilities while in the Darklands, though characters from other races can also unlock these powers with the GM’s approval. These abilities function as occult skill unlocks (Occult Adventures 194).
MODIFY CURRENT (PROFESSION [SAILOR]) You can bend the treacherous currents of the Darklands to your will. The full rules for using Profession (sailor) to operate a water-based vehicle are presented in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat beginning on page 170. Check: Once per day as a full-round action, you can modify a current to flow faster or slower. You increase or decrease the current’s speed by up to 30 feet per round, to a minimum of 0 feet and a maximum of 120 feet. Increasing the speed of a current makes the water one step rougher (maximum stormy water, DC 20), while decreasing speed makes the water one step calmer (minimum calm water, DC 10). The DC for the check to change a current’s speed is equal to the Swim DC of the water at the new or the original current, whichever is higher. A changed current speed lasts for 1d4 minutes.
READ TIDES (SURVIVAL) You can read the subtle ebb and flow of Darklands waters the way surface navigators read the stars and winds. Check: Once per day, you can interpret the movement and psychic resonance of your surroundings to predict what you will encounter when traveling along a specific heading. This effort requires 10 minutes of intense concentration while on a body of water at least 10 feet deep, after which you attempt a DC 20 Survival check. If successful, you gain information about what you will encounter while traveling in that direction as though you had cast augury. This information refers to the first consequence of following the chosen heading for up to 1 hour per rank you have in Survival. The chance of successfully producing a meaningful result is 60% plus 5% for every 1 by which your check result exceeds the DC (to a maximum of 90%). The GM rolls the check and the d% roll secretly so that you can’t tell whether the messages are accurate. If your check result exceeds 30, you receive a
one-word description of the most likely outcome you will face, instead of a “weal” or “woe” answer. Additionally, you can use the dowsing occult skill unlock (Occult Adventures 195) to locate nearby islands. The maximum range at which you can detect land using dowsing is 1 mile + 1 mile per rank you have in Survival. The rod’s directions persist for up to 1 hour. Daily attempts to dowse for land and interpret radiation are tracked separately.
ARCHETYPE Munavris plying the Sightless Sea often choose the following archetype to better deal with the dangers of the Orvian waters. Visitors would be well advised to hire a Darklands sailor as a guide if they can, for the sailor’s expertise can speed their journey—and may well save their lives.
DARKLANDS SAILOR (RANGER ARCHETYPE) Those plying the lightless waters of the Darklands learn to use sound to augment their compromised vision, providing insight into the hazards lurking below the surface. A Darklands sailor has the following class features. Skilled Pilot (Ex): A Darklands sailor adds half his level (minimum 1) to Profession (sailor) and Survival checks to navigate or avoid natural hazards in subterranean waterways. This ability replaces track. Keen Ear (Ex): At 3rd level, a Darklands sailor learns how to use sound to compensate for poor visibility when facing threats above and below the water. He gains the uncanny dodge rogue ability when underground and either swimming or aboard a boat. At 8th level, he gains improved uncanny dodge under these conditions, treating his Darklands sailor level as his effective rogue level for the purpose of denying an enemy’s sneak attacks. At 13th level, he gains blind sense with a range of 30 feet against creatures touching water. At 18th level, his blind sense range increases to 60 feet or equal to the range of his darkvision, whichever is greater. If the Darklands sailor becomes deafened, he loses all benefits of this ability until his hearing is restored. This replaces favored terrain. Quick Swim (Ex): At 7th level, a Darklands sailor can swim at his full speed as a move action without penalty. This ability replaces woodland stride. Subsonic Warning (Ex): At 8th level as a swift action, a Darklands sailor can provide the benefits of his keen ear ability to the subjects of his hunter’s bond. This effect lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the Darklands sailor’s Wisdom modifier. These rounds need not be consecutive. A deafened creature can’t benefit from a Darklands sailor’s subsonic warning. This ability replaces swift tracker. Hidden Depths (Ex): At 12th level, a Darklands sailor can use the Stealth skill to hide while underground or underwater, even if he doesn’t have cover or concealment. At 17th level, he can use the Stealth skill even while being observed when underground or underwater. This ability replaces camouflage and hide in plain sight.
Darklands Alchemy The Darklands’ ecosystems persist despite an absence of sunlight, common weather patterns, and other environmental features surface folk take for granted. Intelligent species require additional innovations to survive in this hostile environment. Many such cultures have found salvation through alchemy, nourishing a rich culture of alchemical innovation. Creatures like the derros, drow, svirfneblin, and others deep underground have strong alchemical inclinations. Listed below are several alchemical items that are usually found in Darklands communities, yet occasionally make their way to surface markets as well.
PRICE 45 GP WEIGHT 1/2 lb.
This volatile gray paste sticks to solid surfaces and creates a concentrated blast when exposed to fire, making it a valuable excavation tool. You can apply 1 dose of blasting jelly to a 5-foot square as a standard action. The paste can be ignited with another standard action by striking it from an adjacent square with a metal weapon or object. When thus ignited or otherwise exposed to fire, the jelly explodes, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage to creatures and unattended objects within the treated square. If the ignited square is adjacent to another square containing blasting jelly, that square ignites as well. Blasting jelly deals full damage to objects made of stone or softer material. Blasting jelly decays relatively quickly when exposed to air, becoming inert after 4 hours if not ignited.
Comprising several chunks of magnetized ore connected by twine, a clatterstone creates an intense racket when it strikes a solid surface. The combination of magnetic disturbances, noise, and vibrations interferes with blindsight. A creature using blindsight perceives a detonated clatterstone as a Medium target until it attempts to interact with the perceived “creature” or identifies it with some other sense, such as darkvision. You can throw a clatterstone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet, and it remains active for 1d4+1 rounds before becoming inert.
Darklands explorers who frequently run afoul of troglodytes, pockets of natural gas, and toxic fumes from magma flows use this dense flask to ease their breathing. You can open the flask as a standard action or throw it as a splash weapon. When opened or broken, the flask releases a burst of cleansing, breathable air in a 10-foot-radius burst, providing a +4 alchemical bonus
on saving throws against gases, inhaled poisons, or other breathable hazards. The cloud of fresh air lasts for 1d4 rounds. If you hit a creature that has the stench ability with a thrown flask of deep breath, the DC of its stench is reduced by 4 for the duration of the cloud.
This unique, salty alchemical powder is crafted in Darklands communities where fresh water is either scarce or guarded by dangerous predators. Consuming 1 dose allows you to go without water for 3 days instead of 1, in growing discomfort but without any negative effects. After this time, you must attempt a Constitution check once every 6 hours instead of once per hour to avoid taking nonlethal damage. One dose of drought powder functions for 1 week, after which penalties for thirst accrue at their normal pace (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444).
When chewed, this spongy gum releases mild stimulants that heighten your focus. Derros use focus chew in an effort to improve their experiments, though spellcasters from other Darklands cultures have adopted their recipe for use in research. For up to 1 hour while chewing focus chew, you gain a +2 alchemical bonus on concentration checks and a +1 alchemical bonus on Intelligence-based skill checks.
This slimy gray unguent distorts wavelengths of light beyond of the normal visual spectrum, causing you to appear blurry to creatures using darkvision. Applying the camouflage takes 1 minute and provides a +4 alchemical bonus on Stealth checks against creatures relying on darkvision to see. One dose of monochrome camouflage lasts for 1 hour.
A gritty salve with an earthy odor, muscle grout is frequently sold in areas where giant spiders or ropers haunt local trade routes. When massaged into the muscles as a full-round action, this ointment provides a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws to resist nonmagical effects that cause Strength damage. Any Strength damage you take manifests gradually as the salve slows muscle decay; anytime you take Strength damage, you take only 1 point per round until the full amount of damage is dealt. Additional Strength damage adds to the total, but is dealt only at a maximum rate of 1 point per round, as long as the grout is active. A dose of muscle grout lasts for 10 minutes. One dose of muscle grout is sufficient for a Medium or smaller creature; Large creatures require 2 doses, Huge creatures require 4 doses, and so on.
Heroes of the Darklands OOZE ATTRACTANT
Drow alchemists of House Tracinoa developed this mixture to function as a lure for mindless oozes. You can throw a flask of ooze attractant as a splash weapon. On a direct hit, each mindless ooze within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 12 Will save or be compelled to approach the target for the next 1d4+1 rounds. On a miss, an ooze still attempts a Will save, but on a failure it instead approaches the square in which the flask landed. Once an ooze moves adjacent to the targeted creature or into the targeted square, it resumes its normal behavior. An ooze can be affected by ooze attractant only once in a 24-hour period.
This pungent concoction can be thrown as a splash weapon to trigger unsustainable spore or pollen release in fungi and plants. Any plant creature in the square where the spore dehiscent lands must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or immediately activate any of its effects based on spores or pollen, treating itself as the target or center of the effect. Fungal hazards like russet mold or yellow mold are activated automatically with no saving throw. Plant creatures or hazards in squares adjacent to the square of impact must each succeed at a DC 10 Fortitude save or suffer the same effect. Once the effect is triggered, the creature or hazard cannot activate the effect again for 1d4 rounds or until the effect could normally be used again, whichever is longer.
Created by dwarves after the Quest for Sky, this faintly glowing collection of minerals allows photosynthetic plants to grow in underground environments without sunlight. Sunsoil has since spread to a handful of agricultural communities throughout the Darklands, particularly among duergar plantations and svirfneblin enclaves. One pound of sunsoil covers a 20-footby-20-foot area of regular earth and takes 1 minute to distribute evenly. A treated area allows plants to grow without sunlight for 4 months. Light-based spells and magical effects trigger an alchemical reaction in sunsoil. Any spell with the light descriptor cast on a pound of sunsoil causes all areas covered in the soil to be treated as areas of bright light for 1 round. This light counts as natural sunlight for creatures vulnerable to such effects. After being subjected to such an effect, sunsoil immediately becomes normal dirt.
MASTERS OF ALCHEMY Though many of the inhabitants of the Darklands practice alchemy—and often have formulae and practices unknown on Golarion’s surfaces—three civilizations in particular are famed for their alchemical expertise. Derros: Derro alchemy serves to satisfy the twisted curiosity of these creatures, who experiment upon captives and then release those who survive to track the results. Derro alchemists are also gifted at using alchemy to brainwash and twist the minds of captives. Drow: The alchemical practices of the drow take three primary forms: poisons that subdue enemies; voluntary fleshwarping, a horrific practice combining alchemy, magic, and surgery for cosmetic purposes; and involuntary fleshwarping practiced upon foes and servants to punish them, amuse the drow, or create more useful slaves. Svirfneblin: Svirfneblin alchemists are best known for creating vicious bombs that coat the ground in broken glass, fill the air with poison, or extinguish light sources.
DARKLANDS POISONS Darklands poisoners have created numerous unusual toxins.
Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d4 Con damage, target must succeed at a second Fortitude save or 1 point of the Con damage is instead drain. Cyanide’s unique metal-extracting properties make it effective against elementals with the earth subtype, despite their natural immunity to other poisons. Cure 2 saves
This potent toxin is used by both drow and duergar to extract gold from ore and to eliminate political enemies. Cyanide poisoning usually manifests as bright red flushing of the skin, even more noticeable in pallid creatures like derros and duergar.
Type poison, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 14 Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/hour for 8 hours Effect 1 Wis damage, target must roll twice and take the lower result for all saving throws against mind-affecting effects until the Wis damage is healed; Cure 1 save
This saccharine extract is made by drow and duergar taskmasters to help keep recalcitrant slaves in line. The poison clouds the minds of those who consume it, impairing victims’ critical thinking and making them more suggestible.
Darklands Magic Items The Darklands are an incredibly hostile environment filled with countless dangers, and those adventurers and explorers who rush in ill-prepared do not last long. However, the hazards found in the earth’s depths require resources that go beyond personal skill, mundane tools, and special gear. The following magic items are designed to aid adventurers delving deep below the surface of Golarion.
AMULET OF RADIATION ABSORPTION SLOT neck CL 10th AURA moderate abjuration and conjuration
PRICE 45,000 GP WEIGHT 1 lb.
This amulet features a large, ragged stone that was harvested from highly radioactive regions of the Darklands and that glows with a faint green light. The wearer is rendered immune to the effects of all forms of radiation. Additionally, for each minute the wearer is exposed to radiation, the amulet absorbs 1 charge of radioactive energy. The amulet can hold up to 5 charges. Charges naturally dissipate at a rate of 1 charge per 24 hours. As a standard action, the wearer can expend 1 charge in order to fire a ray of concentrated radiation from the amulet. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet. The wearer can choose any one of the following effects, as outlined below. Blightburn: The target takes 6d6 points of fire damage. Caphorite: The target must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Lazurite: The target takes 2d6 points of negative energy damage, and if it dies in the next hour, there is a 50% chance it rises as a ghoul 1d4 rounds later. Surface: The target takes 1d2 points of Strength and Constitution damage. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 22,500 GP Craft Wondrous Item, radiation ward (see page 15), remove radioactivity (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 11)
PRICE 15,000 GP CL 11th
AURA moderate divination Made specifically for those who frequently navigate the mazelike tunnels that wind throughout Nar-Voth, these compasses are made from stone sourced from the Darklands. However, instead of featuring the four cardinal directions,
WEIGHT 1 lb.
the compass’s circumference is adorned with several small pictographs. To use a cavern compass, the bearer must be at an intersection of tunnels or caverns somewhere underground, and must hold it in his hand and speak the name of his desired destination. The destination must be well known enough to be likely to appear on a map of the area, such as a settlement or a prominent ruin, or else must be a location with which the holder is intimately familiar. For the next mile, the needle of the cavern compass points down whichever passageway most efficiently leads to the chosen destination. Additionally, if the passage contains any of the following hazards over the course of 1 mile, a corresponding pictograph glows with a faint light: magma, molds or slimes, radiation, sudden vertical passages, or water hazards. If a passage further splits into multiple pathways within 1 mile, the cavern compass selects whichever one results in being closest to the destination after 1 mile and provides information about hazards only down that route.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, find the path
COST 7,500 GP
PRICE 67,500 GP
SLOT feet AURA strong evocation
CL 15th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
These thick hide boots allow the wearer to detect unseen enemies, and they provide a final line of defense against overwhelming foes. The wearer gains tremorsense with a range of up to 60 feet as long as she is standing on solid ground. Additionally, once per day, by stomping repeatedly on an earthen or stone surface as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the wearer can cast earthquake as a spell-like ability. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 33,750 GP Craft Wondrous Item, earthquake, see invisibility
PRICE 20,000 GP CL 7th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate conjuration Due to the toxic nature of many environments found within the Darklands, this belt is designed to protect its wearer from exotic diseases, paralyzing attacks, and poisonous molds. The wearer gains a +2 bonus on saving throws to resist disease, paralysis, and poison. This bonus increases to +4 on saving throws to resist such effects caused by molds or slimes. Additionally, the wearer can cast a single spell from the following list as a spelllike ability once per day: neutralize poison, remove disease, or remove paralysis. Activating this ability is a purely mental action that can be taken even while paralyzed or otherwise helpless. The chosen spell affects only the belt’s wearer. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 10,000 GP Craft Wondrous Item, neutralize poison, remove disease, remove paralysis
Heroes of the Darklands HELM OF OOZE
PRICE 21,500 GP
SLOT head CL 10th AURA moderate enchantment
WEIGHT 3 lbs.
This bulky, rusted helm incorporates a pair of goggles that sit on the wearer’s brow. The wearer of a helm of ooze control gains a limited ability to telepathically command oozes. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can attempt to gain control over a single ooze within 60 feet. The ooze must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or fall under the wearer’s mental control. This compulsion affects even mindless oozes. The control offered by the helm is very limited, and the wearer is able to issue only one of the following commands at a time, as a move action, to a controlled ooze within 60 feet. Attack: The ooze attacks the nearest creature. Halt: The ooze remains in place. It does not take any actions but is not considered helpless. Move: The ooze moves toward a point in space that the wearer can see. The wearer can control up to 20 Hit Dice worth of oozes at any given time. An ooze with 5 or more Hit Dice can attempt a new Will save each day to free itself from the wearer’s control. An ooze ordered to halt receives a new Will save to overcome the helm’s control if attacked. Oozes with an Intelligence score, as well as those with 11 or more Hit Dice, are immune to this effect. The wearer can issue a command to multiple controlled oozes with a single move action, but if she does, each ooze receives the same command. Oozes that have been issued a command continue to follow that command until a new command is issued or they are released from the helm’s control. Removing the helm does not release the oozes from control, but the helm must be worn to issue new commands. If 24 hours pass without the helm being worn, then all affected oozes are released from control. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, greater command
COST 10,750 GP
PRICE 112,000 GP CL 15th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA strong conjuration These striking black robes are lined with glowing cracks, and resemble flows of partially cooled magma. They allow the wearer not only to survive within areas of lava and magma, but also to conjure molten rock from the earth. The wearer gains fire resistance 20 and immunity to fire damage from lava and magma. Additionally, while submerged in lava or magma, the wearer can breathe normally, gains a +5 bonus on Swim checks, and can see through the substance as clearly as if it were water.
CLEVERNESS SAVES LIVES Light sources, antitoxins, and weaponry are obvious choices of equipment for adventurers headed into the Darklands, but less obvious objects, used in less obvious ways, can spell the difference between success and death when facing down the dangers of these subterranean realms. Below are a few choices that provide versatile assistance in the alien environment of the Darklands. Immovable Rod: Two immovable rods can allow adventurers to climb out of danger even if there’s no surface to climb on—and once suspended out of harm’s way and hidden in the shadows of a vaulted ceiling, an adventurer with a hammock can even get a relatively safe and peaceful night’s sleep. A single immovable rod can wedge open a closing door cutting off escape, provide a midair hook from which adventurers can hang their food to keep it safe from vermin and thieves, prevent cave-ins, pin an enemy to the ground, anchor a boat in the middle of an underground sea, and so on. For more information, see page 178 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment. Gloves of Shaping: These gloves allow an adventurer to shape stone as if it were soft clay, creating ledges on which to spend a safe night, sculpting exits from would-be prisons, shoring up tunnels against impending collapses, or immobilizing helpless foes. For more information, see page 237 of Ultimate Equipment.
Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer of a robe of magma can conjure a great burst of magma from deep below the surface. This ability can be used only while the wearer is on the Material Plane, and only while on solid ground on a planetary body. The deeper beneath a planet’s surface the wearer is, the sooner the magma arrives. If the wearer uses this ability while 8,000 feet (or more) below the surface, the magma arrives instantaneously. If she uses it between 2,000 and 8,000 feet below the surface, the magma arrives at the beginning of the wearer’s next turn. If she uses it on the surface or down to 2,000 feet below the surface, the magma arrives in 1d4 rounds. Once the magma arrives, it bursts from the ground in a geyser that sprays up to 40 feet in height and showers a 20-foot radius centered on the location of the wearer when this ability was activated. This deals 20d6 points of fire damage to creatures in the area (Reflex DC 22 half) and creates a shallow pool of lava in the area of the burst. The magma geyser continues for 1d3 rounds. For each round that the geyser continues, the pool of lava expands its radius by 10 feet. Creatures that enter the pool of lava or begin their turn in this area take 2d6 points of fire damage. Once the magma geyser stops, this pool cools and hardens over the course of 1d3 rounds. The magma arrives through an extradimensional space and does not impact any features or terrain located under its point of conjuration. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS COST 56,000 GP Craft Wondrous Item, protection from energy, wall of lavaAPG
Next Month!
Things get weird in the mysterious, ever-shifting realm of the fey known as the First World. Adventurers who wish to explore this fascinating place—or deal with its inhabitants—will find plenty of new options in Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of the First World. From racial traits for characters with fey heritage and spells for dealing with fey to information on playing fey races such as gathlains and on servants of the fey deities, this book provides everything you need to bring the First World into your game!
WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? A canny Darklands explorer knows that knowledge can mean the difference between success and failure in this subterranean realm. Escape with treasure— and your life—with these products that complement Heroes of the Darklands!
Learn the secrets of the Darklands’ three layers with Into the Darklands. Discover entrances to the Darklands, explore Darklands towns, and face down eerie subterranean monsters with this tour of the depths!
Beware what lurks in the darkness! Darklands Revisited takes a detailed look at 10 different Darklands races and their civilizations, providing stat blocks, monsters, and more to enrich your game.
Explore the shadowy world of the drow with Blood of Shadows. Along with information about drow “surface seekers,” it features favored class options, feats, spells, and alternate racial traits for drow characters.
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Ferron, Michelle Jones, Alex Riggs, and Nicholas Wasko.
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From the impossible depths of the earth crawl horrible foes, but bold heroes rise to face them. Join these champions’ ranks with Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Darklands. This chronicle of Golarion’s underground realms prepares characters for their descent into the endless night, exploring the distinct regions of the Darklands and offering an array of new character options, including archetypes, feats, magic items, spells, and more. The Darklands may be deadly, but they’re not a death sentence for those who are prepared. Make Heroes of the Darklands your guide to surviving the depths. Inside this book you’ll find:
► New class archetypes, including the stonesinger bard; the spore-laden fungal pilgrim druid; and the blightburner kineticist, who can harness the power of radiation.
► A host of new alchemical items both beneficial and destructive, as well as magic items that can help explorers survive the dangers of the Darklands.
► Dozens of new spells, traits, and items suited to exploring the Darklands or created by those who dwell there. This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
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