The following is a list of episodes for the Australian televisiondramamystery programme, The Doctor Blake Mysteries. As of 5 November 2017, 44 episodes of The Doctor Blake Mysteries have aired.[1]

The Doctor Blake Mysteries Cast

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  • 2Episodes

Series overview[edit]

Father Brown

SeriesEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast airedNetwork
1101 February 20135 April 2013ABC
2107 February 201411 April 2014
3813 February 20153 April 2015
485 February 201625 March 2016
5817 September 20175 November 2017
Telemovie12 November 2017


Series 1 (2013)[edit]

No. in
Title[2]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
11'Still Waters'Andrew ProwseStuart Page1 February 20131.176 (Overnight)[3]

A woman's body is found in a lake; she was run over by a car, as the autopsy by Doctor Lucien Blake reveals. She was Ann Fitzgerald, student at the local reform school, and she was pregnant. The science teacher Phillip Morrisey, son of the local chemist {pharmacist), is one suspect as the father. Jean, who ran the doctor's office for Lucien's late father, stays on for the son returned to Ballarat from abroad. District nurse Mattie and Jean's nephew Danny Parks, a young police officer, board in the large house. Police superintendent Lawson knows Blake from before he left home, before the war, where Lucien fought and was taken prisoner. Patrick Tyneman, owner of the local newspaper, gets a club membership for Blake, who says he will not stay long enough to use it. Sale of illegal amphetamines, made on Keith Morrisey's press for tablets, is involved in this murder. Phillip's mother Rosemary, an ambitious woman, learned of the pregnancy and her son's love for Ann; she arranged to meet Ann, 'the little slut' and killed her, using her son's car.

Guest cast:John Wood, Penne Hackforth-Jones and Ryan O'Kane
22'The Greater Good'Declan EamesStuart Page8 February 20130.935 (Overnight)[4]

A member of hospital staff is murdered. Blake suspects the morgue attendant, who has vanished. Police hunt for him. Preparations for marking Anzac Day bring Major Alderton into Ballarat, and Blake encounters him at the club.

Guest cast:Neil Pigot, Ben Anderson and Chloé Boreham
33'Death of a Travelling Salesman'Ian BarryStuart Page & Chelsea Cassio15 February 20131.131[5]
A car careens down the road where repairs narrow it and Constable Danny Parks is directing traffic. The car crashes and the driver is found dead. Autopsy shows that he was killed by poison. Parks returns to the car to collect the victim's possessions; among the vacuum hoses in the backseat, Parks finds a snake and is bitten by it. Doctor Blake decides that the dead man was bitten by a snake, and realizes the danger to Parks. Blake gets him to the hospital and determines it was an Asian pit viper. Antivenom is given to Parks, who recovers in hospital. The dead man, Ray, was a salesman staying at a local boardinghouse full of salesmen. Blake finds that the owner keeps snakes in the basement, which is against the law, and his Asian pit viper tank is empty. The owner is arrested for keeping the snakes and for murder. He pines away in jail, giving Blake a clue. Jean, Mattie, Blake and Danny return to the boarding house to purchase two appliances. Two salesmen compete for their business and Blake challenges one with his actions in killing Ray. Both men, and Frank, the owner of the boardinghouse, are homosexuals. Frank fell in love with Ray when he arrived, leaving the other man behind. So he put the snake in Ray's car, and confesses to Lawson and Blake, including the challenge of living as a homosexual when it is considered unlawful. Blake does not want Lawson to charge him with more than murder, knowing there is no choice about sexuality.
44'Brotherly Love'Andrew ProwseStuart Page22 February 20131.095[6]

Danny and another officer arrive at Sean McBride's house, and Sergeant Bill Hobart is taking cover outdoors as Sean is screaming and waving a loaded gun; Danny wounds him in the shoulder. Inside they find a fourth police officer dead on the floor. Thirteen months later, Sean is in prison, about to be hanged for killing the officer Clive Cooper. Doctor Blake is called to the prison to treat Sean for a high fever. In his fevered state, Sean says he did not kill Clive. Doctor Blake says that is the truth, not what he confessed in court. There is public protest against the hanging, and conflict between Danny and Mattie over capital punishment. Journalist Joy McDonald interviews Blake, trying to get quotes from him. Sean has two brothers, a priest, Xavier, and Peter, married and a father of three children. Blake persists, learning that Clive's wife had an affair with Sean, and Sean is the father of her son. Clive learned of the affair the night he died. Mrs Cooper had called Hobart for aid, knowing he was nearby; but he arrived after the shooting. Xavier decided Sean should plead guilty to the results of the fight between Peter and Clive, and no one should mention that three people were in that room. Blake deduced this from the position of the two wounds. Peter hit Clive on the back of the head, but that did not slow him down. Clive had his gun with him, and in the scuffle, it went off, wounding him fatally in the chest. Sean admits to his innocence as to murder, and Blake has Mrs Cooper arrive with the baby, so Sean can see his son.

Guest cast:Daniel Daperis and Sara Gleeson
First appearance of Joy McDonaldDedication: This episode was dedicated in memory of special effects artist, Aaron Beaucaire.
55'Hearts and Flowers'Ian BarryStuart Page1 March 20131.088[7]

Blake is a judge for the Begonia festival in Ballarat. He meets Professor Ormond and Mr Charles Griffith, also judges. That night, Ormond is found murdered in his greenhouse, strangled before the greenhouse was set afire. Nick Manos never wins in this contest; there is a family feud between Griffith and Manos since the prior century. Newspaper publisher Patrick Tyneman argues with Blake's decision of murder, as bad local publicity; Blake demonstrates on Tyneman how the hyoid bone is broken in strangulation, as in Ormond's case. Manos's daughter Maria and Griffith's son Oliver have something going on, but Maria uses Danny as cover while their romance proceeds in secret. Griffith has been buying land in nearby Bendigo, giving him a motive to move the festival there. Angela Waterston, also a judge and a woman with the fatal disease aplastic anemia, plans to marry and asks Blake to stand in place of her father at her wedding. Blake gets a call saying his wife and daughter, lost to him during the war, were seen alive; then a letter comes from Malaya. Evidence is found showing that Griffith had been paying Ormond to agree to the scheme to move the Festival to Bendigo. Others bribed the judge, including Jean with a cake; it turns out Osmond cannot eat the cake, and that triggers Blake to figure out why Angela, his patient, is deteriorating too rapidly. There is a dinner and a contest for Miss Begonia; Maria announces at the contest that she and Oliver are engaged. Blake realizes someone has tampered with Angela's tonic, adding arsenic with sugar to cover that taste; it is her fiancé, Anthony Farmer. Farmer is a conman with a record of killing his wealthy young brides. Ormond recognized him at the opening day, so Farmer killed Ormond and was speeding the death of Angela. He is charged with murder and attempted murder.

Guest cast:John Wood, David Whiteley, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Alinta Chidzey, and Michael Bishop
66'If the Shoe Fits'Andrew ProwseStuart Page8 March 20131.021[8]

At the shoe factory owned by Patrick Tyneman, the plant manager Egan and the foreman argue. Mosca, the foreman, is found dead a few hours later. His hand was cut off by one of the machines, which had no safety switch. Blake has been pushing Tyneman to upgrade the equipment, and calls Joy McDonald before the autopsy is complete. Gus, the other police doctor, sees the wound to Mosca's head, showing he was pushed into the machine and thus murdered. Jean auditions with the director, Robert, for the local production of The Importance of Being Earnest, where she gets a minor role, while wanting a major one, which goes to Tyneman's wife. Robert is interested in Jean, and he proposes to her. She turns him down. Another employee, Gorski, tells Blake that Mosca had been taking a percent of the wages of all the workers. Mattie sees Romana Novak, who works at the plant, and has signs of syphilis, including a rash. Mrs Krol tells Blake that many women in the factory have that rash. Blake does a second test on Mosca's blood, which shows evidence of third stage syphilis and suggests he was forcing himself on the women in the factory. Egan knew that employee wages were skimmed and he benefitted of that scheme. All the employees, but not the management, in the factory are immigrants with no political power. Lawson questions Egan and then Romana as possible suspects. Miroslav Gorski confesses to the murder. He was in the factory when Mosca was murdered and does not believe Romana was guilty, or he believes she was guilty but deserves no punishment. Mattie brings antibiotic to inject in Romana as she waits in the jail, to treat the venereal disease. Lawson lets Romana go, as Gorski's confession is all Lawson has.

Guest cast:John Wood, Sara Gleeson and Jacek Koman
77'Bedlam'Declan EamesChris Corbett15 March 20130.836 (Overnight)[9]

Violet Ashby, a nurse, is murdered in the Blackhill psychiatric hospital. David Hoyle, a patient, is seen above her holding the knife that killed her. Danny and Mattie tell Violet's father, Doug Ashby, of her death. Ashby was commanding officer to Superintendent Lawson for 10 years. Blake is not confident that the patient killed her. After visiting David, Blake talks with another patient, Oriel Vogel, who shows him two paintings she did before and after the murder; she paints the light as it is, and the room is often darkened when the ECT is on. Mattie learns that Violet was reprimanded a year earlier because a patient died, perhaps due to an error in medications. Oriel sees Blake at his office, bringing two paintings of him at the hospital, and she gives him information about David's personality. Dr Winters at the hospital tells Lawson and Blake that he loved Violet. Given a clue by Oriel's paintings, Blake examines the log for ECT sessions, finding that David was given more sessions than were recorded; Dr Laine considered he was doing important research on unimportant people. He was responsible for the patient's death; no one missed him, per Laine. Ashby comes to the hospital and grabs Dr Laine, whose name appeared too often in his daughters notes, which have careful notes of all treatments given to patients. Lawson tells Ashby to put his gun down. Lawson arrests Dr Laine for the murder of Violet Ashby. At home, Blake plays the piano.

Guest cast:John Stanton, Matthew Dyktynski and Lara Jean Marshall
First appearance of Chief Supt. Douglas Ashby
88'Game of Champions'Ian BarryStuart Page22 March 20130.948[10]

The winning contestant, James Holbrook, on a television quiz show, the Game of Champions, is killed just after the show ends and he finds his prize in a dressing room, touching the new television set. He is killed by electrocution. Simon, with a long run of right answers, is upset that he lost, but all eyes turn to the murdered man. The show is sponsored by Tyneman Electrics store. Patrick Tyneman is upset. James, Simon, Dawn Prentice from the quiz show, and Roger Lambert from Tyneman's store were all in the same class at school, under Professor Waterman. Waterman considers Simon very bright but such a trouble maker. Waterman, James and Roger provoked Simon, but in the end Roger was kicked out of school. The next program has Simon versus Waterman, student versus master. After Simon does a perfect round, the dial is turned to cut off his microphone, but instead he is electrocuted on live television. Blake and his household puzzle over who has murdered the two men, then realize that the murderer made a mistake, wanting to kill Simon, while unaware that the announcer Alan Coleman and Waterman had devised a scheme to end Simon's winning streak. Dawn and James were engaged; the prize money was going to start them off in life. Dawn killed her own fiance, by accident. Blake confronts her in the darkened television station, in s series of questions to be answered true or false. She admits to her failed scheme, while Lawson and Danny listen in the wings. Lawson arrests her for two murders.

Guest cast:John Wood and Nicholas Bell
99'All That Glitters'Andrew ProwseTim Pye29 March 20130.969[11]
Arthur comes to the pub where Doctor Blake and Danny Parks are playing darts, showing people gold that he says came from his own mine. The next morning, police are at his mine site, where he lies dead, murdered, at the bottom. His appearance was altered from the night before; different clothes, shaved off his beard. He has a scar on his leg from surgery, probably due to polio. Police learn he was Arthur Pike, renting a small place to live on the property of Margaret and Eric Reid. Mattie's friend Eadie getting married. Gus and Blake perform the autopsy; showing blows to the head, and soft hands, unexpected for a gold miner. Arthur had left the gold sample at the bar, as payment for the drinks he said were on him. A metallurgist says the gold is good, and there is quartz and coal in the sample. Eadie's fiancé Russ comes in for treatment of a splinter wound; Blake calls the police. The new British Consul General, arrives; Blake attends the reception. He speaks up about British behaviour to Australia during WWII, after he has drunk too much, ending in a punch to Lawson, who intervened. At the jail where Russ is held, Blake asks him to talk. He says he went to the mine site in hopes of finding gold, to pay for a honeymoon and found none. The ladder rungs broke under him, and he did not see Arthur or his car. Blake advises Lawson to speak with Eric Reid, rather than Russ. Two detectives arrive from Melbourne. Lawson says the driver's license was forged, so police do not know Arthur's real name. Blake goes to the Melbourne hospital that specializes in that sort of surgery. Margaret returns to Blake, saying she believes she is pregnant, not by her husband but by Arthur, whose name ias John Strickland. She wants to leave her bully of a husband. Eric claims he was with another woman the night of the murder. Jan Vennick, the man who owned the land before Strickland says there was no gold in that mine. Some time earlier, gold was stolen in Melbourne from Joe Springer's father, never found. The father died, and Joe and his mother moved to Ballarat. Blake finds Joe in the mine, where a wall caved in; Joe killed Strickland yet never found the gold. The stolen gold was found by police in Strickland's car. which was packed to leave town with Margaret; he used the claim site to explain the stolen gold. Lawson outdoes the Melbourne detectives, and is pleased. Blake calls Margaret and Eric in, saying a mix up in the lab shows she is pregnant, and Eric is the father. He advises Eric to take special care of Margaret. Then Blake apologizes to Jean for the words he spoke at the reception, hurtful to all who lost someone in the war.
1010'Someone's Son, Someone's Daughter'Ian BarryJane Allen5 April 20131.045[12]

After a party at the hospital, Hazel Mahoney and Carol Stanning argue not far from where Mattie is standing. Later that evening, Mattie finds Hazel Mahoney, Ballarat Hospital's first female surgeon, hanging in apparent suicide. Mattie tries resuscitation, but Hazel is dead. Doctor Geoffrey Nicholson is an officious man on the hospital board who makes Hazel's life a misery, according to her and Mattie's last conversation. The autopsy shows she was dead before being hanged. Nancy Carmody tells the police she was upset about her grades from Dr Mahoney, so Carol had taken Dr Mahoney's record book in an effort to make the grades better; when Blake sees Nancy, he knows that Nancy is not a suspect, and needs some help herself. Joy McDonald appears in town to do a story at the request of Patrick Tyneman, who is on the hospital board, about Blake, but he talks her into digging about Dr Nicholson. At the board meeting, Blake embarrasses himself by accusing Nicholson. Joy offers to help find Blake's long-missing wife and child. Jean is upset at Blake's behaviour, telling him he is making his own troubles. Then he opens a letter telling him that his wife has died. Blake becomes suspicious of the autopsy blood tests and draws his own sample at the mortuary; Gus darkens the room and challenges Blake, but Blake challenges Gus that he is a morphine addict, learned from the records of the hospital pharmacist. Dr Mahoney knew and had offered to help him. Lawson comes in the nick of time to stop the action and take Gus away. Blake gets a telegram saying his daughter is alive, so he leaves by taxi, headed for Shanghai to meet her. He leaves a new placard in his own name for his medical office, to replace his father's name plate, as Ballarat is feeling like home.

Guest cast:John Wood and Sara Gleeson
Last regular appearance of Constable Daniel Parks and Assistant Gus Hawting

Series 2 (2014)[edit]

No. in
Title[13]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
111'The Heart of the Matter'Declan EamesStuart Page7 February 20141.117[14]

Blake returns from Shanghai just as Ballarat's re-elected mayor Graham Trevorrow is murdered. New senior constable Charlie Davis has taken Danny Parks place on the force; he interviews councillor Adeline Campbell, who first saw the mayor's body on the stairs, and the next morning interviews the contentious Bruce Beattie, who failed to win the position of mayor the day before. Lawson thinks that Davis may have been sent by Melbourne to watch over the Ballarat police force. Patrick Tyneman invited reporter Joy McDonald to Ballarat, expecting political change. Blake meets Mrs McDonald for a drink; he recommends she speak with Carl Laidley at the town hall. Mrs Campbell wears the lipstick color found on Trevorrow's handkerchief. She is an independent councillor persuaded to vote for Trevorrow by his ally Doug Calahan. Lawson brings Blake from home to see Joy McDonald, dead in the same place as the mayor; the sight removes the happy smile Blake has had since his return. Blake speaks with Laidley at the jail cell; Blake does not believe Laidley did it, nor does Lawson. Tyneman disliked Trevorrow, backs Beattie. Blake visits town hall and sees blood up on a ceiling light fixture; Doug Calahan enters the office and then runs from Blake, falling over the stair railing. Blake and Laidley save him from the fall that Blake realises killed Mrs McDonald. Calahan killed the mayor after he bragged about being with Mrs Campbell; the self-centered politician took one thing too many. Joy's death was an accident, though Calahan was struggling with her. He is charged. Once it is over, Jean asks about his daughter, Lee. He shows the photo of her at 23. She was not happy to see him, settled with the family that took her in years ago, though he was pleased to see her thriving. He is told that his wife did not survive.

Guest cast:John Wood and Sara Gleeson
First regular appearance of Constable Charlie Davis and last appearance of Joy McDonald
122'The Food of Love'Declan EamesPete McTighe14 February 20141.011[15]

Bobby Lee, lead singer of a rock and roll group, dies in an alley, of a single stab wound, outside Ballarat's concert hall amongst his fans, including Mattie. The police do the autopsy in the basement of the cellar of the nearby pub owned by Mr Bowen, saying the police morgue is full, and the hospital cannot accept the body. Blake does the autopsy with the aid of Charlie Davis, finding Lee was stabbed and he died after the stabbing, but not instantly. The police investigate his fans including the pub owner's 16 year old daughter Peggy, another young female fan, other band members and a preacher with a violent past who hates rock and roll, the devil's music. One of his band mates, Tony the piano player who started the band with Bobby Lee, argued with Lee after the performance, and was overheard outside the venue. He tells them Bobby Lee is the stage name for Gunther Hansen. Mattie spends the day in a cell, next to Tony, after accidentally assaulting senior constable Davis while assisting a 16-year-old girl, Shirley Freedman, who is heartbroken at the death of Bobby Lee. Constable Ned Simmons makes calls on the background of Preacher McArthur, who has prior arrests, including using a knife. Using photographs taken by a man outside the venue, Blake and Charlie Davis walk through the time from when Lee left the building and when he collapsed. It becomes clear that Lee was stabbed inside the venue. Shirley's father comes looking for her; she is at the police station being questioned. She found Lee-related items outside the venue, and she pulled the ring off his finger when he fell down dead. Blake realizes the items belonged to Peggy Bowen, and when her father comes downstairs, Mr Bowen admits that he stabbed Lee when he brought the complimentary beer to the band. Peggy thought she had been pregnant by Lee, and lost the baby, though Mattie learns from her that she never met him. Her father is arrested. Back at home, Blake comes home to find Jean listening to some of that rock and roll music.

Guest cast:Cameron Daddo
133'A Foreign Field'Lee RogersMarcia Gardner21 February 20140.914 (Overnight)[16]

Two women from the local library and historical society find the body of a man by a tree in the botanical garden, having been there overnight. The autopsy reveals he died by cyanide, which Blake identifies by its odor during the autopsy and a rhyme learned in WWII on how to identify poison gases. The clothes on the body have no labels. The trail begins when a key is recognized as one from a locker at the train station, where his destination in Ballarat is identified, and a page from a book of poetry by A D Hope is found. People at the botanical garden saw the man kissing a blonde woman under the tree the day before he was found. When his wife, Mrs Lola Lundqvist from Castlemaine, appears at the station, they believe they have his name, Sven Lundqvist, born in Sweden. A mentally impaired man, Aaron, had been hiding in the bushes, and he recognises that Mrs Lundqvist was not the woman seen with the victim in the botanic garden, not the same shape. The librarian tells the police the man was Dutch, because he said so while talking about poetry by A D Hope. The book from the library was not on the shelf; he gave it to the woman who ran his rooming house. There is a page of coded writing in the book. Meanwhile, Lawson has taken calls from several women giving a name for the dead man, their lover or husband; the names belonged to infants or boys who died long before: Sven, Tor Olsen and Niels van der Berg. Blake tries to decode the message in the book; Jean recognizes a phone number in the message and calls it, reaching the historical society. Blake admits to Jean that he spent time after the war working as a government agent, when she tells him that her husband is buried in a foreign country, where he died in WWII. Blake re-enacts the crime scene in the park with Jean, who remarks that the woman may have held the man to hide his body reacting to cyanide. Mattie and Blake find Aaron again in the garden; he wears the coat from the dead man, and a blonde hair from a wig is on the coat. It begins to make sense now. Mattie and Aaron accompany Blake to the library, where Aaron identifies Miss Harris. Miss Martha Harris of the local historical society, and in the local communist party, had been his lover and she left the message in the book. She confesses after Blake stops her from taking a cyanide pill. While wearing a blonde wig owned by her ill aunt, she killed her lover because he was unfaithful to her. His name is never known for sure, an agent for another government, perhaps the Soviet Union. Alice Harvey, a new pathologist joins the Ballarat medical team.

Guest cast: Edwina Wren, Sibylla Budd and Mark Casamento
First regular appearance of Dr. Alice Harvey
144'Smoke and Mirrors'Lee RogersChelsea Cassio28 February 20141.111[17]

Cec Drury of the Colonists Club is standing outside the club about 9:30 pm when a man falls on to the roof of a car, and dies with serious internal injuries, and a packet of loose tobacco on him. Noel Ashford was the president of the local flying club. Doctors Harvey and Blake start the autopsy together. Blake is called away to assess the injuries to police constable Martin by a hit-and-run driver the same night. Superintendent Lawson and Charlie Davis find the vehicle, a delivery truck owned by Leon Woods, owner of Ballarat Apple Farm. The next morning, the autopsy proceeds; Ashford's body looks like that of a parachutist whose chute did not open, including frost bite on his face; this leads Blake to think Ashford fell from a plane, not the roof of the club. Ashford's wife says Noel did not smoke, leaving the tobacco a mystery. The truck is not one of the two trucks owned by Woods, but a third one painted to look like one of his trucks by an unknown person. At the flying club, Blake and Davis examine the log book and speak with Hugh Dankworth and his co-pilot Lyle Townsend. Barber Willard Baxter has unlicensed loose tobacco for sale; he can get more in 5 hours, the flying time to the nearest source of tobacco. The phony Apple Farm truck was carrying contraband loose tobacco. Blake speaks again with the two pilots and sees that their plane had mud on the tires. The two admit to flying after dark, but say they were back at the airfield by 7:30 pm. Blake observes that Dankworth is red-green colour blind, which makes it difficult to read the plane's controls. Dankworth is arrested, though he and Lyle deny having Noel Ashford aboard. Local farmers complain about plane noise at both 6 pm and 9:30 pm, and Blake realizes it was two different planes. Charlie has a date with Beatrice from the airfield, and Blake interrupts their date. They find another plane in a hangar, with fresh mud on the tires, but Beatrice has no record of it flying. Townsend has a record of flying contraband, so Lawson calls in Willard Baxter to close this connection, and arrests him. At the same time, Blake is at the airfield inspecting the plane, when Beatrice enters the co-pilot seat and then Sarah Alexander gets in the pilot seat. Sarah starts the plane, intending to fly with Blake, but a police vehicle drives on the airstrip until she stops the engines. Those two piloted the tobacco flights. Sarah Alexander's father was killed in a plane accident while Noel Ashford survived and she is bitter about her father's death. Sarah's mother remarried, to Ashford, very difficult for Sarah. Ashford had been inspecting the plane, suspecting illegal use of it, when Sarah and Beatrice entered it, unaware of his presence, and took off. Sarah tells Lawson that Ashford's fall from the plane was an accident, but Lawson says it is murder because she failed to help him when the plane's door popped open as the plane banked without its pilot in her seat. Lawson then calls out Charlie Davis for taking Beatrice on a date, when she was a suspect. How much police information did he share? Lawson is angry. Charlies offers to resign, but Lawson says no.

Guest cast:Freya Stafford
155'Crossing The Line'Pino AmentaChelsea Cassio7 March 20141.020[18]

Jean goes to the cinema to see Vertigo. Instead of a film, the audience sees smoke from the projection room. Richard Taylor, a firefighter from Adelaide visiting Ballarat, races to the projection room and drags Adam Summers from the room, but Adam is dead. In the autopsy, Blake and Harvey find bruising around his neck, and in answering the question, why did Adam not run out when the fire began, realize he had been unconscious; it was a murder. Charlie and Blake separately interview people, learning how Miles McLaren, the manager of the cinema hated his projectionist, and had recently had a sealed door installed on the projection room. Adam had private showings in the cinema for his friends. Charlie learns that McLaren undercounts his sales to cheat the film distributor, explaining his odd lie to Lawson. Blake finds some partially destroyed, 16 mm film in the projection room, which is not the 35 mm standard for the cinema. In Adam's wallet is a bill for a four poster bed delivered to a derelict mansion owned by Patrick Tyneman's son, Edward. Mattie attends a hen party for Amelia, fiancée of Vincent Foster, while Edward Tyneman and other friends host Vincent at the buck (stag) party in the next room. Charlie goes to the stag party, using the invitation to Adam, and finds a 16 mm projector there, perhaps connected to the film found in the projection room. Jean invites Richard home for dinner, after he calls her. Blake comes home early, and asks Richard questions about the fire, how long the oxygen to support a fire would last in that projection room with the new sealed door; just a few minutes. Edward Tyneman is unco-operative when Lawson questions him about what happens at his property. Charlie and Blake save some of the 16 mm film that was in the projectionist's room and show it at Blake's house; Mattie recognizes a woman in the film, her friend Amelia Yorke. Amelia's brother Paddy borrowed money from Edward Tyneman; when he could not pay it back, Edward said Amelia could pay it back by posing for his pornography, for which she is ashamed, though she knows there were other girls filmed as well. Richard and Jean come home when the film is running, which shocks Richard. Then Blake finds Richard at the Ealing Estate, Edward's property, about to set fire to it; his niece Rebecca was one of the other girls in Edward's pornographic films. His niece is now under medical care. The supposedly private pornography was shown all around the country, so her father, the late brother of Richard, saw it shown in his local pub. Blake walks away with him, with no plans of telling anyone what Richard almost did there. In Edward's next visit with Superintendent Lawson, he sees himself caught in the mirror in an image in the salvaged film. Patrick shows up and tells Edward he is on his own, his behaviour is disgusting. The Tyneman wealth will not protect Edward from the penalties associated with making pornography. Jean remarks that Richard was a good man, but he had something sad about him. He did set a fire to burn the films, and it killed a man.

Guest castJohn Wood
First appearance of Edward Tyneman
166'Mortal Coil'Pino AmentaStuart Page14 March 20141.002[19]
At the funeral for Edith Woodley, a friend of Jean, the pallbearers drop the coffin, and it bursts open to reveal two bodies. The second body is Sid Bartel, age 70, an itinerant scrap metal dealer who has been shot in the head, and was beaten when alive. The autopsy reveals Bartel was shot in the back, running away. Blake knew him in childhood. The driver for the funeral home hit Bartel's cart with their car, and beat Bartel up. Using Bartel's horse and cart, Blake retraces his route to an abandoned shed and discovers evidence of another murder. Lawson is angry that Blake took the cart, as it was evidence; nonetheless Lawson and Charlie Davis examine the signs of two murders at the shed, Bartel and an unknown. Lawson and Davis are perturbed by Blake's erratic behaviour. Jean relates that her doctor says she has reduced liver function, though she had no blood tests; Blake sent his own blood under her name for test and is concerned for his own mortality. Blake and Lawson dig up another body, at night in the cemetery at the site of the last burial before Bartel was found. They find two bodies in one casket, again, and again from the Callow funeral home. The other body was Andrew Morgan; the autopsy reveals his death was likely an execution. Morgan's brother has not been seen lately, so Lawson searches for him. Davis tells Lawson how he was sent from Melbourne to check up on Ballarat, and they think Blake is a liability; Lawson says Blake simply needs managing. Lawson closes down the funeral home run by the Callows. Blake sees Miss Callow involved with Steven Morris, the son of his friend, at the funeral home, which is supposed to be closed. Blake returns alone to the shed, finding its downstairs area and the third man, Victor Morgan, alive. Harold Morris appears at the shed with his service pistol; his homemade whiskey was in the cellar. After a scuffle, Blake has Harold's pistol and wounds Harold in self-defense. Steven tells the police how his father killed Andy Morgan, and then Sid Bartel, who interrupted him in killing both brothers. Blake tells Harold, no longer Blake's friend, how Sid Bartel survived Fromelles, the worst WWI battle that Australians had seen, and Harold, a veteran of WWII, shot Sid in the back, a disgrace. Harold had broken the legs of the father of Andy and Victor years earlier, having learned to be easy with violence from war. Blake tells him that was a choice. Blake finds he has hepatitis, not cirrhosis, from Alice Harvey. She figures that his hand tremors arose from him stopping drinking, after misdiagnosing himself.
177'The Silence'Declan EamesPete McTighe21 March 20141.101[20]
Joseph Lennox, the headmaster of the local elementary school is found dead in his office from a blow to the head, probably from a school trophy, and a ruptured spleen; the excessive bleeding is at first a mystery to Blake and Alice Harvey. Lennox has warfarin in his blood at high dose. Lawson suspects the deputy headmaster Donald McAvoy, who had bullied him at the same school which McAvoy, Lawson and Blake attended as youngsters. Charlie Davis and Blake search the Lennox house, finding one woman's earring and his medications, one containing warfarin. Blake visits the tuck shop (eatery) run by Mrs Wooton, where he finds a package of the rat poison containing warfarin; it is not allowed in a food preparation location. Lennox got lunch and dinner from the tuck shop daily. Police investigate how the poison was administered and the women involved with the headmaster, including Caroline Palmer, a teacher fired six weeks earlier who had helped at the tuck shop but not since she was fired from the school. Miss Blackwell, secretary at the school, reported that Lennox ate his breakfast at home. A more sinister story emerges from two siblings at the school, Paul and Lisa Wooton. Paul tells Charlie Davies that he heard Lennox and Blackwell shouting at the school that day, when he went back to pick up his school trophy. Blake considers Lennox's diet, and figures he liked tea and cake, not yet analyzed. He takes sweets for tea from the tuck shop and shares them with Jean, Mattie, and Superintendent Lawson. Then he wants to do a blood test on them to test for warfarin; they refuse. Blake ate the coconut cake, a lamington, having found shreds of coconut under Lennox's desk The lamington was the source of the warfarin to Lennox. Blackwell admits to the police the loud argument with Lennox shortly before his death, when Lennox called her a pathetic woman. The tuck shop baked lamington cakes regularly for Lennox; specifically, her son Paul baked them. The earring found belonged to Lisa. Mrs Wooton's husband left her. Caroline Palmer told Mrs Wooton of seeing Lennox abusing Lisa, but Mrs Wooton did not believe her. Miss Palmer tells her own story to Lawson of abuse by her uncle during childhood, when her father did not believe her, after Lawson pulled the trophy used to hit Lennox from her garden waste. Lawson believes her, tells her that Paul had been putting warfarin in the cakes, and then arrests her for the assault. Davis and Blake find Paul and Lisa on the road, where Lisa threatens to jump from the bridge. Blake talks her out of jumping and off the bridge wall. Paul was poisoning the headmaster because of what he did to his sister and will face juvenile justice. Mattie wonders if she should have picked up on the girl's situation. Lawson returns the shoes to McAvoy on his day off, facing him down as he bullies a student.
188'The Ties of the Past'Declan EamesMarcia Gardner28 March 20141.069[21]

An art class begins; the instructor Geoffrey Ledwith pulls down the screen to reveal a bloody and dead woman, Virginia McKay, the life model and girlfriend of Ledwith. She is posed like a woman in a famous painting in the gallery. Barry Johnstone, director of the gallery, seeks the gallery keys given to Miss McKay, which were not with her possessions. Blake is reminded of his late mother, a painter, at the art gallery. Patrick Tyneman is a main benefactor of the art gallery, which is about to start a special exhibit. Charlie Davis and Blake find broken pottery at McKay's place; they pursue Ledwith at his pottery studio, where he goes after Blake. Lawson questions him at the police station, where Ledwith explains his habit of destroying any pottery not perfect. Blake thinks the murder weapon might have been a potter's tool, but can find no blood on it. Miss McKay was an artist and she worked for the director of the gallery, who had nothing good to say about her. Artist Elaine Greenslade shared her flat and knew her since before Miss McKay studied in Melbourne under Brendan Ross. A painting is stolen from the art gallery, between the guard's rounds. The guard, Ted Baldwin, is found next day hit by a car, in a coma, but alive, with the stolen painting near him. Examining the museum, Blake says that Baldwin gave the stolen painting to a partner in crime. Lawson calls in Ledwith again, and Blake tells him he is wrong to think that Miss McKay was not a true artist just because she was a woman; further, that Ledwith is no artist. In the gallery, Johnstone refers to the one painting by Blake's mother as minor and in the gallery only because the artist was local; he is at least embarrassed when Blake says his mother painted it. Blake's father locked his wife's room in the house when she died, 40 years earlier, when he also sent Lucien off to boarding school. Blake now unlocks the door. A print of a painting by Genevieve Ettienne, his mother, is in McKay's books. David Davies, now a famous Australian painter but once taught by Genevieve Ettienne, gave Blake's mother a painting, which made her husband jealous. She then painted a portrait of her friend Agnes Clasby over the Davies painting because her husband sold the painting to Patrick Tyneman's father, Michael, but the transaction was not completed due to the painting being 'lost'. Blake's father donated the painting of Agnes Clasby to the local gallery. This is the painting that was meant to be stolen from the gallery; Johnstone had moved it in the process of making space for the special exhibit of works by Davies, and it is re-hung in its original space. Professor Brendan Ross of the Melbourne National Gallery is caught easily stealing the Davies painting, painted over by Blake's mother, in the trap set up by the police, with the missing gallery keys in his pocket. Ross killed McKay, the student he rejected but who had realized what was under the painting by Genevieve Ettienne. Ross also hit Baldwin with his car. That settled, Blake and Tyneman discuss the painting by Blake's mother; Blake comes home with it.

Guest cast:John WoodHelen Morse
199'The Sky is Empty'Ian BarryChelsea Cassio4 April 20141.083[22]
2010'An Invincible Summer'Ian BarryStuart Page11 April 20141.060[23]

Series 3 (2015)[edit]

No. in
Title[24]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
211'King of the Lake'Pino AmentaMichael Harvey13 February 20151.174[25]

A 17 year old champion rower drowns after being thrown into the lake in celebration of a win. Blake is unhappy with the way the extremely fit boy drowned so quickly and with alcohol in his lungs. The boy's obstructive, domineering father with heart trouble hampers the investigation and the boy's recent phobia about the colour yellow may be the key to solving the mystery. Blake offers lodgings to Charlie Davis and in clearing the room finds a medical file on his own mother.

Guest cast:John Wood
222'My Brother's Keeper'Pino AmentaPino Amenta20 February 20151.063[26]

The death of a farmer trampled to death in his own cattle pens and a misidentification leads to problems for Blake when Superintendent Ashby is dismissed and replaced by Superintendent Munroe, who is determined to rein in Blake or dismiss him as police surgeon.

First regular appearance of Chief Superintendent Munroe
233'This Time and This Place'Fiona BanksMichael Miller27 February 20151.156[27]
A young woman is shot dead at a Bonfire Night celebration and the police arrest an Aboriginal boy holding a gun in his hand. Blake realises the murder is not that simple and is forced to challenge the racist bias of both the police and the whole town but the evidence clears then condemns the boy. Jean receives a letter that her son's wife is expecting a baby. Blake writes to his daughter in China.
244'By the Southern Cross'Fiona BanksRoger Monk6 March 20151.103[28]

Communist agitators, friends of Mattie from university, descend on Ballarat to cause trouble when a government minister, Mattie's father, is speaking. One of the agitators is found dead and Blake seeks evidence to corroborate forensic evidence on the body. Mattie suspects Charlie is spying on Blake for Superintendent Munroe. Blake is shocked to discover from one of his mother's friends that she died of a diabetic coma.

Guest cast:John Wood, Martin Sacks and Helen Morse
255'A Night to Remember'Karl ZwickyJeff Truman13 March 20151.117[29]

When a famous actress is murdered at a charity event at the Colonist's Club, it really does become a Night to Remember.

Guest cast:John Wood
266'Women and Children'Karl ZwickyStuart Page20 March 20151.012[30]
A murder in the hospital leads Blake into a maze of sexual politics and revenge.
277'Room without a View'Declan EamesChelsea Cassio27 March 20151.077[31]

Local hardware store owner is found dead in a hotel room. The second daughter of Norman Baker, owner of the local gun emporium, dies.

Guest cast:Gary Sweet
288'Darkness Visible'Declan EamesStuart Page3 April 20151.205[32]

A local magistrate is murdered. Blake realizes this murder is linked with the death of his own mother 40 years earlier.

Guest cast:John Wood

Last appearance of Douglas Ashby

Series 4 (2016)[edit]

No. in
Title[33]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
291'The Open Road'Declan EamesStuart Page5 February 20161.142[34]

It's 1960 and Dr Lucien Blake returns home to find Ballarat hosting a very public stopover in a cross-country, endurance motor race - and a very suspicious death. Chief Superintendent Lawson is seriously injured and retires. Blake recognises his growing feelings for Jean and he takes his mother's engagement ring from his study. A new reporter taken on at the local paper, The Courier, is Lawson's niece Rose Anderson.

Last regular appearance of Chief Superintendent Lawson and first appearance of Rose Anderson
302'Golden Years'Declan EamesPete McTighe12 February 20161.091[35]

Two businessmen/brothers announce plans for a theme park to glorify Ballarat's goldrush past, with assistance from their sister. The following morning one brother is found dead in the local baths. She wanted a park like Disneyland, while one brother wanted the area preserved, like it was in his boyhood. He killed his own brother in the stream, and moved his body to the swimming pool, proved by matching the water in the lungs to the water in the stream. Chief Superintendent Frank Carlyle replaces Lawson. Mattie O'Brien leaves Ballarat for a new post at St Bartholomew's hospital, London. Blake borrows Jean's engagement ring from her first marriage to have his mother's engagement ring resized.

First appearance of Chief Superintendent Carlyle and last regular appearance of Mattie O'Brien
313'Lucky Numbers'Fiona BanksPaul Oliver19 February 20161.098[36]
A kidnapping involving the winners of the first ever state lottery leads Blake into a shady world of greed and envy. Solving the case provides Blake with the opportunity to finally propose to Jean just as Mei Lin, Blake's wife presumed dead, arrives at the front door.
324'Against the Odds'Fiona BanksStuart Page26 February 20161.125[37]

A jockey dies the morning after a big win. Carlyle is in debt to a bookmaker who is one of the suspects. Blake's household is strained with Jean and Mei Lin under the same roof. Mei Lin leaves to stay in a hotel and Blake puts the engagement ring away.

Guest cast:Helen Morse
335'The Price of Love'John HartleyChelsea Cassio4 March 20161.088[38]
When a soldier is killed during a routine training exercise, Doctor Blake investigates soldiers and their wives involved in a promiscuous circle of swapping partners. When another soldier's separated wife is found dead and a woman working in the army laundry cannot be found another motive surfaces being investigated by Blake's old commanding officer, Major Derek Alderton, who seems reluctant to co-operate.
346'A Difficult Lie'John HartleyPaul Jenner11 March 20161.081[39]
When a reporter's body, Terry Reynolds, is discovered on the 18th hole at the local golf course, Blake is called in to investigate Reynolds who had enemies at the golf course and the newspaper The Courier. Rose helps to uncover the secrets Reynolds had amassed and a secret of her editor Edward Tyneman. An article in The Courier about Mei Lin's return strains further Blake and Jean's relationship.
357'For Whom the Bell Tolls'Ian BarrySarah Lambert18 March 20161.018[40]
A fireman, Cec Drury's brother, falls from the Ballarat Fire Station bell tower in front of Mei Lin. What appears to be a suicide turns into a murder investigation of his colleagues who were all attending a fire. Rose brings pictures to Jean of Mei Lin arguing with Major Alderton and Jean overhears him threatening her. Mei Lin confesses to Blake that Alderton had been using her and threats against their daughter to get at Blake.
368'The Visible World'Ian BarryStuart Page25 March 20161.059[41]
Blake takes a pistol to the Ballarat observatory to meet Major Alderton. The Major was using Mei Lin to get Blake to return to the army for service in the growing Indo-China war. As the sky darkens during the eclipse Alderton is stabbed in front of Blake, but the murderer is not known. The operator of the Observatory is suspected, as is Blake. When a sharp instrument is found in Mei Lin's room, Blake is arrested. From his cell in Ballarat, Blake works on solving the murder to avoid being taken to Melbourne by the Special Branch and then Mei Lin confesses to get Blake released. She is nearly murdered by the true murderer, saved in time by the police. As the murderer is escorted out for military trial, he in turn is murdered by Alderton's compatriot--a sergeant who is then arrested.

Series 5 (2017)[edit]

No. in
Title[42]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
371'A Lethal Combination'Ian BarryPaul Oliver17 September 20170.929[43]

An exhibition boxing match in Ballarat turns sour when one of the boxers dies in front of hundreds of witnesses. The cause of death is difficult to determine, and soon it is clear that it was not a punch from his opponent, Ray, younger brother of Charlie. The dead boxer was a wild man, and slowly a trail of gypsum leads to the body of the corner man for Ray, killed by the wild boxer. The manager of the arena assisted in the burial at a closed agricultural store yard. The wild boxer died of poison in his petroleum jelly applied before the fight, entering his blood when an old wound opens during the fight. Ray is cleared and he and his brother are on better terms. Charlie and Rose have an argument.

Last regular appearance of Chief Superintendent Carlyle and reintroduction of Chief Superintendent Lawson
382'Sorrow Songs'Ian BarryDavid Hannam24 September 20170.903[44]
The murder of a beautiful woman takes Blake inside the intriguing and exotic world of Romani travellers passing through Ballarat. Rose is photographing the wedding of Afina at the camp, part of her story about the Romani. As the leaves, she stops at the group of caravans, finding a door open and the body of Nadya Draghici, sister of the bride, inside. Tamas and Nadya planned to run away the night of the wedding, settle in Sydney, as her father does not approve of him. There is a struggle in the camp next day as Afina is burning Nadya's suitcase, but the police, including Ned Simmons and Charlie, consider she is destroying evidence, and take the suitcase; it shows her intention to be with Tamas. Edward Tyneman is one suspect and Tamas is another. The autopsy results and a toy dropped at the camp lead to a sometime employer of Tamas, Dean Charles. His wife Libby murdered Nadya, jealous that her husband visited her, sure he was having an affair. Libby failed to learn that her husband was buying pine bark solution, a remedy to aid in their wish to have a second child. Libby is arrested. Rose and Charlie make up.
393'The Call of the Void'Alister GriersonVictoria Madden1 October 20170.884[45]
The French chef Philippe is found murdered in the freezer of his restaurant, when Jean and Doctor Blake are hoping to have dinner there. The evening before, officers Bill Hobart and Ned Simmons raided his home, on a tip of possible homosexual activity from the local butcher, Mr Robinson; they found him alone. The raid became violent, with Hobart hitting Philippe hard. The autopsy slowly reveals three sets of injuries to the chef, and the fatal one was a blow to the head. A button from a police uniform was collected in the freezer with the dead body. Robinson's daughter Tilly takes cod liver oil from Jean's kitchen, which Blake realizes will not help her but hurt her. They find her collapsed and send her to the hospital; she reveals her relationship with Philippe, who is not homosexual, and that she was at the restaurant the evening Philippe was killed, seeing a light there. She saw no one, as her father had already left after punching Philippe. Superintendent Lawson is angry with Hobart, as it is his uniform button found in the freezer. Henry Dent owns the restaurant and shared his lodgings with Philippe. He tells of the argument they had after the police raid and Philippe's absences from home, with Tilly. He shares that Philippe carried the police officer's uniform button with him, meaning to complain to the police about the raid, which removes Hobart from suspicion of murder. Philippe had hepatitis, which closes the restaurant for a few days to test the patrons for the disease. Blake realizes what the piece of shell is, and confronts the sous-chef Mrs Cornish at the closed restaurant, stealing liquor. She was found in the same activity by Philippe the night he was killed. Philippe was at the restaurant to meet a delivery. Mrs Cornish became angry and struck with him with a frozen leg of lamb, the third and fatal blow. Hobart and Charlie have bad feelings between them. Jean invites Lawson to stay with them, which he accepts.
404'All She Leaves Behind'Alister GriersonStuart Page8 October 20170.961[46]
Controversial writer Patricia Neville has returned to her old hometown, writing a new novel that bases its characters on the local people of Ballarat. The book reading at the local library quickly desce descends into screaming and chaos. She is found dead the next morning with her sister Eve unconscious beside her, seeming to be a murder-suicide that was not completed. Blake searches out truths about the sisters, cursed with fatal breast cancer. Patricia was poisoned, and did not die of the cancer or the treatment for it. Charlie’s careful search of evidence at the scene found a chip of nail polish matching the angry librarian, who had wanted approval from Patricia for her own writing, and shared short stories with her, never getting any approval. The poison ruined Patricia’s behaviour with others before killing her. The neighbour man who loved Eve brought over gin laced with thallium, thinking that Eve never drank alcohol, and that Patricia was a horrible annoyance. Yet Eve did drink when no one was around, and so did Patricia's agent. Doctor Blake tells both of them of the antidote. Blake learns that his wife is unwilling to sue for divorce as the current law requires her to name an adulterer, which Mei Lin will not do. Blake has more options, but Jean likes none of them. Ned Simmons learns to be helpful to the detectives.
415'Measure Twice'Daina ReidPaul Jenner15 October 20171.024[47]
When Blake is called to investigate the murder of a retired carpenter Vernon Armstrong, his first suspect is Ethan Young, a young Jehovah's Witness, who was discovered praying over the body and covered in blood, by Vern's niece Florence and her husband Trent Bowman. The police interview Ethan, and despite his pleas of innocence, there is some secret he will not reveal. They learn that Vern has won a lot of cash at cards, in an illegal gambling game at a local cafe, generating enemies. Trent is in debt to Vern and under suspicion. Charlie and Blake find Ethan attacked at his work site, with the weapon still in his chest, and he is saved by surgery. Superintendent Lawson shuts down the gambling. Ethan's mother reveals that her son helped Vern with paperwork, as Vern could not read or write. Blake searches at Vern's workshop and finds plans for a portable electric drill, which Percy Walker, a plumber and Vern’s former partner, is also seeking, as it will be a valuable patented device. Vern had parted ways from Percy and was using Ethan to fill out the patent forms. Percy attacks Blake, penetrating his chest with a chisel and nearly killing him. Blake wakes up in the hospital with Jean at his bedside. Percy is charged with Vern's murder and two attempted murders.
426'First Dance'Daina ReidEloise Healey22 October 20171.086[48]
When teenager Charlotte dies in the dressing room of the debutante ball, Blake does his best to investigate though he is still recovering from being stabbed weeks before. Her story is discovered in the autopsy. Charlotte's father is principal of her school, and she is badly treated by the girls, who had assaulted her with foods forced down her throat while she is bound to a chair, and other schemes that leave their marks. They had a plan for her on the stage before the dance started, but she was killed before the hairy spiders were released. Rose Anderson is good friends with one teacher at the school, who was aware of the bullying but did not intervene, just as her father failed to protect his daughter. Jean notices the scent of a particular perfume on Charlotte's ball dress; Charlotte did not wear perfume, but her teacher did. The teacher was having an affair with the boy who was Charlotte's escort to the ball, and she is arrested for that. Charlie will arrest the girls who assaulted Charlotte. Then Blake visits the flower shop of the mother of one of the girls who assaulted Charlotte. He realizes she had grown up at the hospital but had no chance for medical school. Instead, she was the local backroom abortionist, and Charlotte planned to announce that at the ball, to gain herself proper notice, as she endured so much herself. Molly's mother designed a flower headband for Charlotte, which she used as her murder weapon, and she is charged with the murder. In flashback images, we see Blake putting an envelope in the post box, which he recalls as he and Jean talk about their future, and making decisions together. It seems the doctor decided to file the divorce papers and has not told Jean yet.
437'A Good Drop'Fiona BanksPaul Jenner29 October 20171.060[49]
It is the week before Christmas, and Blake investigates the murder of Daryl Fitzpatrick, a local farmer shot to death at point blank range. Angelo Colonne and Norman Baker are business partners wanting to start a winery with a new purchase of land; they were turned down on the purchase by the owner, Daryl. Daryl was found dead after the fire on the land was put out. Colonne and Baker started the fire, which also ruined the topsoil. Baker is angry at Blake, blaming him for the death of his younger daughter. Edward Tyneman makes a scandal of Blake's request for divorce (on the basis of his drinking) in the evening newspaper; Blake punches Edward for writing about his family. Jean learns that the divorce was filed via the newspaper. Lionel Taylor is the neighbour to the Fitzpatricks; Blake suspects that the Fitzpatrick son, Kevin, may well be Lionel's son. Lionel confesses to being with Eileen Fitzpatrick years earlier. The autopsy moves slowly, first confused by a sample of dog's blood, resolved when Officer Ned Simmons brings the dog in. The autopsy reveals that Daryl was not killed by a shotgun alone. Blake realizes that Kevin shot Daryl with a 0.22 caliber rifle, and Lionel added a shot from his shotgun so Kevin would not go to jail. Both men are arrested. Mei Lin writes to say she agrees to a quiet divorce.
448'Hear the Angels Sing'Fiona BanksStuart Page5 November 20171.028[50]

Ballarat police are shocked when young policeman Ned Simmons is found brutally murdered at night in the station, his neck broken, files and paperwork strewn all over the office, a police gun stolen. Blake finds an engagement ring near Ned's desk, which Blake shows to Ned's girlfriend. She is being stalked by violent prior boyfriend Gregan and has been afraid to speak. Superintendent Lawson tells Blake he is discharged from the police for past misbehavior and current bad press on Ballarat police. An attempt is made to kill Doctor Blake, but suspended superintendent William Munroe takes the fatal bullet instead. Jean tells her priest that she is leaving the church because it will not allow her to marry again. She goes to the cemetery where her first husband is buried to think over her decisions, where she is confronted by Norman Baker, using that police gun, a man who blames Blake for the death of his daughter in 1960, and who killed both victims and attacked Charlie at the morgue. Blake finds them and tries to protect Jean; then Lawson arrives to resolve the situation, as Blake makes a full apology for his own mistakes. Tyneman fires his son as editor of the local newspaper for all the trouble he is making. The episode closes with a Christmas meal at the Blake home, toasting those who are no longer with them. Jean and Lucien set a date for their wedding.

Guest cast:John Wood, Craig Hall, Annie Jones and Gary Sweet

Telemovie (2017)[edit]

No. in
Title[51]Directed byWritten byOriginal air dateAUS viewers
451'Family Portrait'Ian BarryPaul Jenner12 November 20171.070[52]
Edward Tyneman’s wedding night ends in his murder. Blake's aunt Dorothy, estranged from the Blakes since his father married, asks him to track down her granddaughter, Catherine Lucas. Jean’s nephew Danny Parks, police officer in Melbourne, helps in Ballarat to solve the murder. In Melbourne, Blake goes to Catherine's address and discovers a dead woman in the cellar. The Melbourne police determine her cause of death and her true identity. Edward’s father Patrick cannot bear the loss of his son and pulls strings to get Blake re-instated with the police, believing he will find the murderer of his son. Tyneman has high blood pressure. Milton Dunne, father of Harriet, Edward's new bride, is found murdered by a blow to the head. Investigations in Melbourne reveal that Milton was not Harriet's father; they were partners in scams of older people living in nursing homes. In the course of that, they met Catherine, who was quite ill. Milton killed Harriet's sister Evie, leaving her to die in Catherine's cellar. Harriet reveals that she is pregnant with Edward's child, which brings her closer to her mother-in-law Susan. Patrick Tyneman is found dead in a car, in the water. The autopsy reveals he died naturally and then lost control of the vehicle. A new young waitress, Roslyn, at the club catches Blake's eye, as she shows signs of the same heart disease that runs in the Tyneman family and wears a bracelet with sapphires. Blake had found a sapphire stone in the fountain where Edward died. With Lawson present, Blake confronts Roslyn who admits her father is Patrick Tyneman, and that her anger was directed at Edward. Thus she murdered her half-brother and then Milton, because he was blackmailing her. Blake and Jean hunt for Catherine in care homes until they can bring her to Ballarat, near her grandmother. Blake learns that his father was the barrier to family reconciliation after his mother died, and is easier with his aunt Dorothy. Lucien and Jean have a happy wedding, with Lawson and his niece Rose standing up for them. Returning from their four month honeymoon, they set their bags down in the house, and Lawson is there, calling Blake back to work.

In the UK the telemovie was broadcast in two parts as episodes 9 and 10 of series 5 on 24 and 25 May 2018.[53]


  1. ^'The Doctor Blake Murder Mysteries - ABC TV'. ABC1. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  2. ^'DBMM: Season 1 episode guide'. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  3. ^'Friday 1 February 2013'. TV Tonight. 2 February 2013. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  4. ^'Friday 8 February 2013'. TV Tonight. 9 February 2013. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  5. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 15 February 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  6. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 22 February 2013'. TV Tonight. 4 March 2013. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  7. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 1 March 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  8. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 8 March 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  9. ^'Friday 15 March 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  10. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 22 March 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  11. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 29 March 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  12. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 5 April 2013'. TV Tonight. Retrieved 28 April 2014.
  13. ^'DBMM: Season 2 episode guide'. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  14. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 7 February 2014'. TV Tonight. 18 February 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  15. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 14 February 2014'. TV Tonight. 26 February 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  16. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 21 February 2014'. TV Tonight. 22 February 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  17. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 28 February 2014'. TV Tonight. 11 March 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  18. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 7 March 2014'. TV Tonight. 19 March 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  19. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 14 March 2014'. TV Tonight. 25 March 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  20. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 21 March 2014'. TV Tonight. 2 April 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  21. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 28 March 2014'. TV Tonight. 8 April 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  22. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 4 April 2014'. TV Tonight. 15 April 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  23. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 11 April 2014'. TV Tonight. 22 April 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  24. ^'DBMM: Season 3 episode guide'. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  25. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 13 February 2015'. TV Tonight. 23 February 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  26. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 20 February 2015'. TV Tonight. 2 March 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  27. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 27 February 2015'. TV Tonight. 9 March 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  28. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 6 March 2015'. TV Tonight. 19 March 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  29. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 13 March 2015'. TV Tonight. 24 March 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  30. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 20 March 2015'. TV Tonight. 31 March 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  31. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 27 March 2015'. TV Tonight. 7 April 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  32. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 3 April 2015'. TV Tonight. 13 April 2015. Retrieved 15 August 2017.
  33. ^'DBMM: Season 4 episode guide'. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  34. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 5 February 2016'. TV Tonight. 15 February 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  35. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 12 February 2016'. TV Tonight. 23 February 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  36. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 19 February 2016'. TV Tonight. 1 March 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  37. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 26 February 2016'. TV Tonight. 7 March 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  38. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 4 March 2016'. TV Tonight. 16 March 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  39. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 11 March 2016'. TV Tonight. 21 March 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  40. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 18 March 2016'. TV Tonight. 30 March 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  41. ^'Timeshifted: Friday 25 March 2016'. TV Tonight. 5 April 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2017.
  42. ^'DBMM: Season 5 episode guide'. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  43. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 17 September 2017'. TV Tonight. 1 October 2017. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  44. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 24 September 2017'. TV Tonight. 4 October 2017. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
  45. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 1 October 2017'. TV Tonight. 15 October 2017. Retrieved 15 October 2017.
  46. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 8 October 2017'. TV Tonight. 17 October 2017. Retrieved 17 October 2017.
  47. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 15 October 2017'. TV Tonight. 23 October 2017. Retrieved 23 October 2017.
  48. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 22 October 2017'. TV Tonight. 31 October 2017. Retrieved 31 October 2017.
  49. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 29 October 2017'. TV Tonight. 7 November 2017. Retrieved 8 November 2017.
  50. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 5 November 2017'. TV Tonight. 19 November 2017. Retrieved 19 November 2017.
  51. ^'DBMM Telemovie'. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  52. ^'Timeshifted: Sunday 12 November 2017'. TV Tonight. 24 November 2017. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  53. ^'The Doctor Blake Mysteries'. BBC Programmes. Retrieved 26 May 2018.

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External links[edit]

  • The Doctor Blake Mysteries at

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